آغاز به کار با ASP.NET vNext
"Currently, there is no Visual Studio integration for ASP.NET vNext, so you will build and run applications from the command line. "
آغاز به کار با ASP.NET vNext
پروژه Paket

Paket is a package manager for .NET and mono projects 

پروژه Paket
خلاصه ASP.NET vNext در 4 دقیقه

- Project format is changing to a single JSON file
- ASP.NET MVC and Web API have been unified into a single programming model
- Project Roslyn allows for a “no-compile” developer experience while making updates
- Migration to a OWIN hosting model allows for flexibility in production web hosts (IIS or running on Linux via Mono)

خلاصه ASP.NET vNext در 4 دقیقه
تغییرات ASP.NET Core و Blazor در NET Core 3.0 Preview 6.

Here’s the list of what’s new in this preview:

  • New Razor features: @attribute, @code, @key, @namespace, markup in @functions
  • Blazor directive attributes
  • Authentication & authorization support for Blazor apps
  • Static assets in Razor class libraries
  • Json.NET no longer referenced in project templates
  • Certificate and Kerberos Authentication
  • SignalR Auto-reconnect
  • Managed gRPC Client
  • gRPC Client Factory
  • gRPC Interceptors 
تغییرات ASP.NET Core و Blazor در NET Core 3.0 Preview 6.
نظرات مطالب
انجام کارهای زمانبندی شده در برنامه‌های ASP.NET توسط DNT Scheduler
سلام؛ وقتی در قسمت:
IoCWrapper.RunAndDispose(() =>
     var draftsService = IoCWrapper.GetInstance<IBlogPostDraftsService>();
یک متد Async قرار می‌دم
IoCWrapper.RunAndDispose(async () =>
     var draftsService = IoCWrapper.GetInstance<IBlogPostDraftsService>();
     await draftsService.RunConvertDraftsToPostsJobAsync();
دفعه اول به درستی اجرا میشه، ولی دفعه دوم خطای زیر میده
  Message=The ObjectContext instance has been disposed and can no longer be used for operations that require a connection.
نظرات مطالب
بازنویسی سطح دوم کش برای Entity framework 6
ظاهرا در حالت Lazy Loading زمانی که آبجکتی از کش لود میشه، پراپرتی‌های Navigation استثنای زیر را صادر میکنن:
The ObjectContext instance has been disposed and can no longer be used for operations that require a connection 
تیکه کدی که این ارور رو بر میگردونه:
var userInRoles = user.UserInRoles.Union(user.UsersSurrogate.Where(a => a.SurrogateFromDate != null && a.SurrogateToDate != null && a.SurrogateFromDate <= DateTime.Now && a.SurrogateToDate >= DateTime.Now).SelectMany(a => a.UserInRoles));
  result = userInRoles.Any(a => a.Role.FormRoles.Any(b => b.IsActive && (b.Select && b.Form.SelectPath != null && b.Form.SelectPath.ToLower().Split(',').Contains(roleName))));

انتشار Node.js Tools 1.0 for Visual Studio

Node.js Tools 1.0 for Visual Studio (NTVS) is now available for download! NTVS is a free, open source extension for Visual Studio 2012 and Visual Studio 2013 that turns Visual Studio into a Node.js IDE. NTVS 1.0 supports the free Visual Studio Community and Visual Studio Express for Web editions, as well as Visual Studio Professional and higher

انتشار Node.js Tools 1.0 for Visual Studio