نظرات نظرسنجی‌ها
برای توسعه برنامه‌های مبتنی بر NET Core. از چه محیطی استفاده می‌کنید؟
من از Rider روی MacBook استفاده می‌کنم و واقعاً کار کردن باهاش عالیه چون همزمان یک IDE جامع و همچنین ReSharper رو ارائه میده. به شخصه وقتی از Visual Studio استفاده می‌کنم نیاز به استفاده از ماوس خیلی بیشتر احساس می‌شه ولی وقتی در محیط Rider کدنویسی می‌کنم اصلاً نیازی به استفاده از ماوس ندارم. همچنین قابلیت‌های جالبی برای دیباگ کد به خصوص Lambda Expression ارائه میده که واقعاً جالب و کاربردی هستن (+). در نهایت به شخصه Rider رو بیشتر می‌پسندم چون JetBrains سعی کرده محصولات برترش رو توی این IDE قرار بده، به عنوان مثال شما در Rider به یک نسخه کم حجم DataGrip نیز دسترسی دارید که نوشتن TSQL را واقعاً راحت کرده:

Rider به مرور زمان داره ویژگی‌های Visual Studio رو اضافه می‌کنه، به عنوان مثال در ورژن‌های جدید قابلیت C# Interactive رو اضافه کرده اما فعلاً به خوبی Visual Studio نیست و از IntelliSence پشتیبانی نمی‌کنه:

Tools for Apache Cordova - مثال ها و مستندات
Open source code is the norm for so many developers these days, and unsurprisingly, so is open documentation. From Azure to TypeScript, public repositories have become a go-to place for sharing samples, tutorials, and “tips and tricks” so that everyone can learn and contribute together as a community.
Tools for Apache Cordova - مثال ها و مستندات
شاید مایکروسافت با واتس آپ روی اپلیکیشنی از نوع UWP کار کنند

WhatsApp for Windows Phone is one of the few apps on Windows 10 Mobile today that continues to receive frequent updates from its developer. Unfortunately, the app itself is one based on Silverlight, which is what apps built for Windows Phone 8.1 used back in 2014. This means the app isn't a Universal Windows Platform app (UWP,) and as such doesn't run across all the different Windows 10 platforms and devices available today. 

شاید مایکروسافت با واتس آپ روی اپلیکیشنی از نوع UWP کار کنند
کتابخانه jquery-rsSlideIt

Performs a smooth 2D/3D transition from one HTML element A to another element B.  2D Demo  3D Demo

  • Runs a single transition or a sequence of transitions;
  • Transition effect is automatically computed between two slides;
  • Fallbacks to browsers that do not support 3D transformations and CSS3 animations;
  • Highly customizable:
    • Any markup you want. Only restriction is sliders to be contained in a parent blocked element;
    • Strong event driven support;
    • Single transition or a sequence of transitions (movie mode);
    • Transition duration, easing function animation and zoom vertexes;
    • Optional user zoomming and panning between each transition.
  • Responsive design, suitable for any window sizes;
  • Optionally loads images asynchronously to save page load times, when slides are images.
کتابخانه jquery-rsSlideIt
کتابخانه HTML5 Scratch Card

Scratch.js is a standalone library with no external dependencies which brings interactivity to your website by allowing you to generate scratch cards for your visitors.
Based on HTML5, scratch.js generate canvas on the fly and is optimized for all modern browsers and has touch support for mobile devices. You can use it to make scratch cards, coupons, promotionnal game and even advertisement.

کتابخانه HTML5 Scratch Card
نظرات مطالب
مراحل تنظیم Let's Encrypt در IIS

یک نکته‌ی تکمیلی

ACME V1 تا چند ماه دیگر به پایان خواهد رسید:
In June of 2020 we will stop allowing new domains to validate via ACMEv1.
در این حالت برای ارتقاء به نگارش 2 آن، تنها کافی است نگارش جدید win-acme را دریافت و اجرا کنید (که برای اجرا نیاز به نصب NET Core 3.1. را دارد). همچنین scheduled task قدیمی را هم که در سیستم برای نگارش 1 داشتید، disable کنید.
یک نمونه لاگ اجرای نگارش جدید آن به صورت زیر است:
 A simple Windows ACMEv2 client (WACS)
 Software version (RELEASE, PLUGGABLE)
 IIS version 7.5
 Running with administrator credentials
 Scheduled task not configured yet
 Please report issues at https://github.com/PKISharp/win-acme

 N: Create new certificate (simple for IIS)
 M: Create new certificate (full options)
 L: List scheduled renewals
 R: Renew scheduled
 S: Renew specific
 A: Renew *all*
 O: More options...
 Q: Quit

 Please choose from the menu: m

 Running in mode: Interactive, Advanced

  Please specify how the list of domain names that will be included in the
  certificate should be determined. If you choose for one of the "all bindings"
  options, the list will automatically be updated for future renewals to
  reflect the bindings at that time.

 1: IIS
 2: Manual input
 3: CSR created by another program
 C: Abort

 How shall we determine the domain(s) to include in the certificate?: 1

  Please select which website(s) should be scanned for host names. You may
  input one or more site identifiers (comma separated) to filter by those
  sites, or alternatively leave the input empty to scan *all* websites.

 1: Default Web Site (2 bindings)

 Site identifier(s) or <ENTER> to choose all: 1

 1: dotnettips.info (Site 1)
 2: www.dotnettips.info (Site 1)

  You may either choose to include all listed bindings as host names in your
  certificate, or apply an additional filter. Different types of filters are

 1: Pick specific bindings from the list
 2: Pick bindings based on a search pattern
 3: Pick bindings based on a regular expression
 4: Pick *all* bindings

 How do you want to pick the bindings?: 4

 1: dotnettips.info (Site 1)
 2: www.dotnettips.info (Site 1)

  Please pick the most important host name from the list. This will be
  displayed to your users as the subject of the certificate.

 Common name: 2

 1: dotnettips.info (Site 1)
 2: www.dotnettips.info (Site 1)

 Continue with this selection? (y*/n)  - yes

 Target generated using plugin IIS: www.dotnettips.info and 1 alternatives

 Suggested friendly name '[IIS] Default Web Site, (any host)', press <ENTER> to
accept or type an alternative: <Enter>

  The ACME server will need to verify that you are the owner of the domain
  names that you are requesting the certificate for. This happens both during
  initial setup *and* for every future renewal. There are two main methods of
  doing so: answering specific http requests (http-01) or create specific dns
  records (dns-01). For wildcard domains the latter is the only option. Various
  additional plugins are available from https://github.com/PKISharp/win-acme/.

 1: [http-01] Save verification files on (network) path
 2: [http-01] Serve verification files from memory (recommended)
 3: [http-01] Upload verification files via FTP(S)
 4: [http-01] Upload verification files via SSH-FTP
 5: [http-01] Upload verification files via WebDav
 6: [dns-01] Create verification records manually (auto-renew not possible)
 7: [dns-01] Create verification records with acme-dns (https://github.com/joohoi/acme-dns)
 8: [dns-01] Create verification records with your own script
 9: [tls-alpn-01] Answer TLS verification request from win-acme
 C: Abort

 How would you like prove ownership for the domain(s) in the certificate?: 2

  After ownership of the domain(s) has been proven, we will create a
  Certificate Signing Request (CSR) to obtain the actual certificate. The CSR
  determines properties of the certificate like which (type of) key to use. If
  you are not sure what to pick here, RSA is the safe default.

 1: Elliptic Curve key
 2: RSA key

 What kind of private key should be used for the certificate?: 2

  When we have the certificate, you can store in one or more ways to make it
  accessible to your applications. The Windows Certificate Store is the default
  location for IIS (unless you are managing a cluster of them).

 1: IIS Central Certificate Store (.pfx per domain)
 2: PEM encoded files (Apache, nginx, etc.)
 3: Windows Certificate Store
 C: Abort

 How would you like to store the certificate?: 3

 1: IIS Central Certificate Store (.pfx per domain)
 2: PEM encoded files (Apache, nginx, etc.)
 3: No additional storage steps required
 C: Abort

 Would you like to store it in another way too?: 3

  With the certificate saved to the store(s) of your choice, you may choose one
  or more steps to update your applications, e.g. to configure the new
  thumbprint, or to update bindings.

 1: Create or update https bindings in IIS
 2: Create or update ftps bindings in IIS
 3: Start external script or program
 4: Do not run any (extra) installation steps

 Which installation step should run first?: 1

 Use different site for installation? (y/n*)  - no

 1: Create or update ftps bindings in IIS
 2: Start external script or program
 3: Do not run any (extra) installation steps

 Add another installation step?: 3

 Enter email(s) for notifications about problems and abuse (comma seperated): name@site.com

 Terms of service:   C:\ProgramData\win-acme\acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org\LE-SA-v1.2-November-15-2017.pdf

 Open in default application? (y/n*)  - no

 Do you agree with the terms? (y*/n)  - yes

 Authorize identifier: dotnettips.info
 Authorizing dotnettips.info using http-01 validation (SelfHosting)
 Authorization result: valid
 Authorize identifier: www.dotnettips.info
 Authorizing www.dotnettips.info using http-01 validation (SelfHosting)
 Authorization result: valid
 Requesting certificate [IIS] Default Web Site, (any host)
 Store with CertificateStore...
 Installing certificate in the certificate store
 Adding certificate [IIS] Default Web Site, (any host) @ 2020/2/1 9:43:55 to store My
 Installing with IIS...
 Updating existing https binding www.dotnettips.info:443 (flags: 0)
 Updating existing https binding dotnettips.info:443 (flags: 0)
 Committing 2 https binding changes to IIS
 Adding Task Scheduler entry with the following settings
 - Name win-acme renew (acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org)
 - Path C:\Programs\win-acme.v2.1.3.671.x64.pluggable
 - Command wacs.exe --renew --baseuri "https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/"
 - Start at 09:00:00
 - Time limit 02:00:00

 Do you want to specify the user the task will run as? (y/n*)  - no
عاقبت NET Standard. پس از ارائه‌ی NET 5.

net5.0. This is for code that runs everywhere. It combines and replaces the netcoreapp and netstandard names. This TFM will generally only include technologies that work cross-platform (except for pragmatic concessions, like we already did in .NET Standard). 

عاقبت NET Standard. پس از ارائه‌ی NET 5.