NetBeans IDE 8.1 Beta منتشر شد

The latest version of the NetBeans IDE features a range of new tools for HTML5/JavaScript and supports mixed Java/C++ development. It is now available for download in beta.

NetBeans IDE 8.1 Beta منتشر شد
کتابخانه TimezZ

Fast timer plugin for countdown and count forward Demo

With this plugin you can easily put a timer on your site, it works both ways. You can use two version, one version is the version for modern browsers with the standards of the ES2017 and the version for old browsers with ES2015 standards. Using the config you can change the tags as letters and numbers, you can also change the text output next to the numbers.

کتابخانه TimezZ
نظرات مطالب
مراحل تنظیم Let's Encrypt در IIS
- در اولین تصویر این مطلب، بررسی کنید چه نوع HTTPS binding ای تعریف شده و جزئیات آن چیست؟
+ این تنظیم را شاید تغییر دادید (همان حالت ignore درست هست):

website -> SSL Settings -> Client Certificates -> Select `Ignore`:  This is the default option.
بررسی imageهای مختلف NET. در Docker

.NET and .NET Core (and Windows!) have been getting better and better with Docker. I run Docker for Windows as it supports both Linux Containers and Windows Containers. They have both a Stable and Edge channel. The Edge (Beta) channel is regularly updated and, as a rule, gets better and better in the year I've been running it. 

بررسی imageهای مختلف NET. در Docker
Bootstrap Icons v1.7.0 منتشر شد

Bootstrap Icons v1.7.0 is here with 120 new and updated icons, taking us over 1,500 total icons for the project! It’s the largest update since the initial release, so keep reading to see what’s new. 

Bootstrap Icons v1.7.0 منتشر شد
انتقال به asp.net core

With the latest release of ASP.NET Core, developers are wondering what the next step is for their web apps and how to convert it over to the new ASP.NET Core.

انتقال به asp.net core