Flux چیست ؟

Flux is an architecture for creating data layers in JavaScript applications. It was designed at Facebook along with the React view library. It places a focus on creating explicit and understandable update paths for your application's data, which makes tracing changes during development simpler and makes bugs easier to track down and fix. 

Flux چیست ؟
PostgreSQL 11 منتشر شد

Postgres 11 is out and brings more robustness and performance for partitioning, enhanced capabilities for query parallelism, Just-in-Time (JIT) compilation for expressions, and a couple of more useful or convenient changes. 

PostgreSQL 11 منتشر شد
امروز و فردای C#
C# Today and Tomorrow
Mads Torgersen discusses how C# is evolving, how the teams work in the open source space, and some of the future features and changes to the language (C# 7).
امروز و فردای C#
کار با ASP.NET Identity vNext

In this episode of Dev Superpowers, Ben Cull will take you through the latest, greatest and safest way to get your membership system up and running using ASP.NET Identity, OWIN and Dependency Injection.

کار با ASP.NET Identity vNext