ارائه ReactJS Native
 React Native for Android has been released by Facebook, providing Android developers with a way to create apps in JavaScript. 
ارائه ReactJS Native
پروژه ApiBoilerPlate برای ساخت پروژه های ASP.NET Core APIs

A simple yet organized project template for building ASP.NET Core APIs in .NET Core 3.1

Tools and Frameworks Used

  • .NET Core 3.1
  • ASP.NET Core - For building RESTful APIs
  • Dapper - For data access.
  • AutoMapper - For mapping entity models to DTOs.
  • AutoWrapper - For handling request Exceptions and consistent HTTP response format.
  • AutoWrapper.Server - For unwrapping the Result attribute from AutoWrapper's ApiResponse output.
  • Swashbuckle.AspNetCore - For securing API documentation.
  • FluentValidation.AspNetCore - For Model validations
  • Serilog.AspNetCore - For logging capabilities
  • IdentityServer4.AccessTokenValidation - For JWT Authentication handling
  • Microsoft.Extensions.Http.Polly - For handling HttpClient Resilience and Transient fault-handling
  • AspNetCoreRateLimit - For controlling the rate of requests that clients can make to an external API based on IP address or client ID.
  • AspNetCore.Diagnostics.HealthChecks - For performing health checks
  • Microsoft.AspNetCore.Diagnostics.HealthChecks - For getting the results of Health Checks in the application
  • AspNetCore.HealthChecks.UI - For Health Status visualization
  • xUnit and Moq - For unit testing.  

پروژه ApiBoilerPlate برای ساخت پروژه های ASP.NET Core APIs
نظرات مطالب
سفارشی سازی ASP.NET Core Identity - قسمت اول - موجودیت‌های پایه و DbContext برنامه
- من از ویژوال استودیو استفاده نمی‌کنم (آخرین نگارشی از آن که روی سیستم من نصب است، نگارش 2015 است). تمام کار این برنامه با VSCode انجام شده و با آن مشکلی نیست. برای کنترل کیفیت برنامه و دسترسی به معادل ReSharper هم می‌توانید از Rider استفاده کنید.
- مطابق مستندات رسمی خود مایکروسافت، VS 2017 دیگر از SDKهای جدید پشتیبانی نمی‌کند و از این پس نیاز به نصب نگارش 2019 را خواهید داشت (این مورد اجباری است برای کسانیکه می‌خواهند از VS و NET Core. استفاده کنند):
.NET Core SDK .NET Core Runtime Compatible Visual Studio MSBuild Notes
2.1.5nn 2.1 2017 15 Installed as part of VS 2017 version 15.9
2.1.6nn 2.1 2019 16 Installed as part of VS 2019
2.2.1nn 2.2 2017 15 Installed manually
2.2.2nn 2.2 2019 16 Installed as part of VS 2019
3.0.1nn 3.0 (Preview) 2019 16 Installed manually

Visual Studio 2017 cannot work with .NET Core SDK 2.1.6nn or 2.2.2nn. 

15 درس هنگام مهاجرت به .NET Core
1. Using xproj & csproj files together
2. Building for deployment
3. NetStandard vs NetCoreApp1.0
4. IIS is dead, well sort of
5. HttpModules and HttpHandlers are replaced by new “middleware”
6. FileStream moved to System.IO.FileSystem ???
7. StreamReader constructor no longer works with a file path
8. Platform specific code… like Microsoft specific RSA
9. Newtonsoft changed to default to camel case on field names 🙁
10. Log4net doesn’t work and neither do countless other dependencies, unless you target .NET 4.5!
11. System.Drawing doesn’t exist
12. DataSet and DataTable doesn’t exist
13. Visual Studio Tooling
14. HttpWebRequest weird changes
15. Creating a Windows Service in .NET Core 
15 درس هنگام مهاجرت به .NET Core
سری ساخت microservices به کمک معماری Event Driven

In this tutorial, I will show how to use the clean architecture, with methods and tools such as domain driven disign (DDD), Test (Behavior) Driven development (TDD), CQRS, Event Sourcing, Containerization, Oauth2 & Oidc to build a microservices architecture 

سری ساخت microservices به کمک معماری Event Driven
نگاهی به Windows Package Manager 1.0

Benefits of a package manager

  • Check the version of any program or package
  • Update the Existing Version you already installed
  • Download and install in just one Command
  • Automates the process of installing, upgrading, configuring, and removing computer programs
  • Upgrade all the program at once
  • Export list of program that you've installed and install them back whenever you required 
نگاهی به Windows Package Manager 1.0