کتابخانه ProgressButtonStyles

A set of flat and 3D progress button styles where the button itself serves as a progress indicator. 3D styles are used for showing the progress indication on one side of the button while rotating the button in perspective.  Demo

کتابخانه ProgressButtonStyles
معرفی WebAssembly بر روی Server

WebAssembly is moving beyond the browser and is pitched to become a foundational element of modern cloud-native architecture. It lets any language compile to universal binaries that run on any OS or processor, robustly sandboxed and with great performance. This session covers a new approach to running .NET in WASI environments. You’ll see how your existing .NET code could be built into WASI-compliant modules, plus the opportunities this opens. This is experimental, not yet a committed product. 

معرفی WebAssembly بر روی Server
آموزش JavaScript توسط Bob Tabor

NOTE: This popular course was recently updated with all new videos and content. Check it out!

01 | IntroductionGet an introduction from Bob, as he kicks off the course, sets expectations, and gives you a little guidance for the road ahead.

02 | Setting Up the Development Environment

03 | Basic JavaScript Syntax

04 | Variables

05 | Data Types

06 | Type Coercion and Conversion

07 | Expressions and Operators

08 | Arrays

09 | Function Declaration

10 | Function Expressions

11 | Decision Statements

12 | Iteration Statements

13 | Basics of Scope

14 | Returning Functions from Functions

15 | Object Literals

16 | Module Pattern and Revealing Module Pattern

17 | Closures

18 | this Keyword

19 | Destructuring

20 | String Template Literals

21 | Regular Expressions

22 | Built-In Natives

23 | Constructor Function Calls with the new Keyword

24 | Objects and the Prototype Chain

25 | JavaScript Classes

26 | Arrow Functions

27 | Truthy and Falsy Values

28 | null Type

29 | Date Objects

30 | String Methods

31 | Array Methods

32 | Error Handling with Try Catch

33 | Understanding the Document Object Model

34 | Working with DOM Nodes

35 | Course Conclusion 

آموزش JavaScript توسط Bob Tabor
چرا SQL در حال شکست NoSQL است؟

SQL is back. Not just because writing glue code to kludge together NoSQL tools is annoying. Not just because retraining workforces to learn a myriad of new languages is hard. Not just because standards can be a good thing.

But also because the world is filled with data. It surrounds us, binds us. At first, we relied on our human senses and sensory nervous systems to process it. Now our software and hardware systems are also getting smart enough to help us. And as we collect more and more data to make better sense of our world, the complexity of our systems to store, process, analyze, and visualize that data will only continue to grow as well. 

چرا SQL در حال شکست NoSQL است؟
دوره 3 ساعت و نیمه Asp.Net Core SignalR

Asp.Net Core WebSockets Vs SignalR. Which should you use? (Full Course)

In this video we build 2 separate chat applications, one using Asp.Net Core WebSockets and the other using SignalR, allowing you to compare approaches and decide on which one works best for you. In both cases we build them with C#, .NET Core and JavaScript. You’ll also learn about:

- .NET Core Request Pipeline
- Request Delegates
- Asynchronous Programming in .NET (Async / Await)
- Introduction to Dependency Injection  

دوره 3 ساعت و نیمه Asp.Net Core SignalR
انتشار نسخه اول پیش‌نمایش دات‌نت ۸

Welcome to .NET 8! The first preview is ready for you to download: claim your copy of the first .NET 8 preview and start building applications today. Scroll down to see the list of features included in this preview. .NET 8 is a long-term support (LTS) release. This blog post covers the major themes and goals that drive the prioritization and selection of enhancements to develop. .NET 8 preview and release candidate builds will be delivered monthly. As usual, the final release will be delivered sometime in November at .NET Conf. 

انتشار نسخه اول پیش‌نمایش دات‌نت ۸
دوره آموزشی Blazor

Welcome to this short introduction to Blazor! This new Microsoft framework uses a unique approach to leverage your existing C# and .NET skills to create single-page applications running in web browsers. The technology that makes this possible is called WebAssembly, an open standard supported directly by current browsers on desktop and mobile platforms. You write C# and Razor code instead of JavaScript, and the compiled app runs natively on the client.

Sample Source Code: https://github.com/DevExpress/blazor-training-samples  

دوره آموزشی Blazor