8 روش که باعث نشت حافظه در دات نت میشود

Any experienced .NET developer knows that even though .NET applications have a garbage collector, memory leaks occur all the time. It’s not that the garbage collector has bugs, it’s just that there are ways we can (easily) cause memory leaks in a managed language.

Memory leaks are sneakily bad creatures. It’s easy to ignore them for a very long time, while they slowly destroy the application. With memory leaks, your memory consumption grows, creating GC pressure and performance problems. Finally, the program will just crash on an out-of-memory exception.

In this article, we will go over the most common reasons for memory leaks in .NET programs. All examples are in C#, but they are relevant to other languages.  

8 روش که باعث نشت حافظه در دات نت میشود
دوره 15 ساعته #C پیشرفته

Advanced C# Programming Course

⭐️ Contents ⭐️
⌨️ (0:00:00) Part 1 - Introduction
⌨️ (0:01:08) Part 2 - Overview of the Advanced C# Course
⌨️ (0:20:46) Part 3 - The Significants of the Release of .NET 5
⌨️ (0:33:17) Part 4 - Delegates - Introduction
⌨️ (0:47:47) Part 5 - Delegates - Create a Code Example
⌨️ (1:51:45) Part 6 - Delegates - Understanding Covariance and Contravariance
⌨️ (2:04:19) Part 7 - Delegates - Fund, Action and Predicate
⌨️ (2:24:26) Part 8 - Delegates - Asynchronous Method Calls
⌨️ (2:39:24) Part 9 - Events - Introduction
⌨️ (2:55:50) Part 10 - Events - Add/Remove Accessors
⌨️ (2:22:44) Part 11 - Events - User Actions & UWP
⌨️ (3:52:23) Part 12 - Events - The Observer Design Pattern
⌨️ (5:12:33) Part 13 - Generics - Introduction
⌨️ (5:27:30) Part 14 - Generics - Understanding Constraints
⌨️ (5:53:42) Part 15 - Generics - Generic Delegates and Events
⌨️ (6:34:56) Part 16 - Generics - The Factory Design Pattern
⌨️ (6:56:23) Part 17 - Async / Await Task - Introduction
⌨️ (7:35:36) Part 18 - Async / Await Task - Task.Run()
⌨️ (8:04:34) Part 19 - Async / Await Task - Best Practices
⌨️ (8:45:23) Part 20 - Async / Await Task - Cancelling Asynchronous Operations
⌨️ (9:13:47) Part 21 - LINQ - Introduction
⌨️ (9:50:14) Part 22 - LINQ - Queries
⌨️ (10:29:57) Part 23 - LINQ - Operators
⌨️ (11:16:51) Part 24 - LINQ - More Operators and Summary
⌨️ (12:18:46) Part 25 - C# Attributes
⌨️ (13:33:13) Part 26 - C# Reflection
⌨️ (14:34:53) Part 27 - .NET Framework and .NET Core
⌨️ (14:39:06) Part 28 - .NET 6
⌨️ (14:50:52) Part 29 - .NET 7 

دوره 15 ساعته #C پیشرفته
غروب log4net

As of April 1, 2020 Log4Net is a dormant project of Apache Logging Services. The dormant status means the project has been classified as inactive since it has had no recent development activity and there are no active volunteers to perform code reviews, commit code, or perform releases. Although it is possible volunteers might choose to participate in the future, it is best to assume there will be not future development or releases. 


غروب log4net
نسخه دوم فریم‌ورک MSTest سورس باز شد

As promised , we announced the open sourcing of MSTest Test Framework “MSTest V2”. The community now has a fully supported, open source, cross-platform implementation of the MSTest V2 portfolio with which to write tests targeting .NET Framework, .NET Core and ASP.NET Core on Windows, Linux, and Mac. 

نسخه دوم فریم‌ورک MSTest سورس باز شد
انتشار Unity 2018.1

The Visual Studio team is excited about the Unity 2018.1 release: It’s the start of a new release cycle packed with great new features like the Scriptable Render Pipeline and the C# Job System. You can read the full blog post by Unity for all the details on what’s new in the 2018.1 release. 

انتشار Unity 2018.1
کتاب C# Succinctly

The code for this book is based on C# v6.0 and runs in Visual Studio 2015

کتاب C# Succinctly
Visual Studio 2022 version 17.8.2 منتشر شد
حجم تقریبا آپدیت از نسخه قبلی (17.8.1) حدود 666G میشه.

Summary of What's New in this Release of Visual Studio 2022 version 17.8.2

  • Fixed an issue where, in certain situations, a document window can get stuck showing a loading message.
  • In some cases (when a project is located under a solution folder) you may see an error when saving the project. The project would get saved but you would see an error about unable to cast a COM object. This issue is now fixed so the error is no longer displayed.

Developer Community

Visual Studio 2022 version 17.8.2 منتشر شد