پیکره بندی JSon در ASP.NET Core MVC

Structured data in earlier versions of ASP.NET meant creating and registering custom types and configuration sections for our applications. In ASP.NET Core and in Core MVC, structured configuration is a breeze with support for JSON documents as the storage mechanism and the ability to flatten hierarchies into highly portable keys.


پیکره بندی JSon در ASP.NET Core MVC
نظرات مطالب
Blazor 5x - قسمت هفتم - مبانی Blazor - بخش 4 - انتقال اطلاعات از کامپوننت‌های فرزند به کامپوننت والد
یک نکته‌ی تکمیلی: نیاز به دقت در ویژگی «captured into the closure» در حلقه‌های Blazor

برای مثال حلقه‌ی زیر را در نظر بگیرید:
@for( int c = 0; c < 10; c++ )
       <a href="#" @onclick="@(_=> OnLinkClicked(c))">@c</a>
فکر می‌کنید پس از پایان این حلقه و رندر UI، اگر بر روی لینکی کلیک شد، چه مقداری به متد OnLinkClicked ارسال می‌شود؟
برخلاف تصور، با کلیک بر روی تمام لینک‌ها، فقط عدد ثابت 10 به متد  OnLinkClicked ارسال می‌شود. علت آن، همان نکات مطلب «بررسی مفهوم Captured Variable در زبان سی شارپ» است که در حین تشکیل حلقه‌های Blazor هم صادق هستند.
برای رفع این مشکل، از یکی از دو روش زیر می‌توان استفاده کرد:
Capture متغیر داخل حلقه:
@for( int c = 0; c < 10; c++ )
   var current = c;
       <a href="#" @onclick="@(_=> OnLinkClicked(current))">@current</a>
و یا ایجاد یک حلقه‌ی foreach بر روی یک Enumerable:
@foreach(var c in Enumerable.Range(0,10))
       <a href="#" @onclick="@(_=> OnLinkClicked(c))">@c</a>
بررسی Visual Studio 2022 Preview 1

Visual Studio 2022 Preview 1 was released recently. While normally I hold off on talking about preview releases and other items that are going to change rapidly like .NET 6, I think it is important to know what VS2022 is all about so you know what to expect in the coming months. So in this video, we are going to see VS2022 in action, we will see what the new features are, and we will talk about what this means for VS2019. 

بررسی Visual Studio 2022 Preview 1
استفاده مایکروسافت ازElasticSearch در TFS Code-Search

Starting from Team Foundation Server 2017, the Code Search feature that was available for a while in VSTS, gets an on-premise equivalent.
The feature is built on top of a customized version of ElasticSearch. However the integration between the 2 products(TFS and ElasticSearch) is rather limited right now.

استفاده مایکروسافت ازElasticSearch در TFS Code-Search
3.Visual Studio 2017 15.8 منتشر شد

These are the customer-reported issues addressed in 15.8.3:

3.Visual Studio 2017 15.8 منتشر شد
چهار قانون بهتر برای طراحی نرم‌افزار

Kent’s rules, from Extreme Programming Explained are:

  • Runs all the tests
  • Has no duplicated logic. Be wary of hidden duplication like parallel class hierarchies
  • States every intention important to the programmer
  • Has the fewest possible classes and methods

In my experience, these don’t quite serve the needs of software design. My four rules might be that a well-designed system:

  • is well-covered by passing tests.
  • has no abstractions not directly needed by the program.
  • has unambiguous behavior.
  • requires the fewest number of concepts.
چهار قانون بهتر برای طراحی نرم‌افزار
دوره 13 ساعته زبان Rust

Learn Rust Programming - Complete Course 🦀

In this comprehensive Rust course for beginners, you will learn about the core concepts of the language and underlying mechanisms in theory.

⭐️ Contents ⭐️
00:00:00 Introduction & Learning Resources
00:06:19 Variables
00:27:07 Numbers & Binary System
01:09:51 Chars, Bools & Unit Types
01:17:55 Statements & Expressions
01:24:50 Functions
01:32:53 Ownership
02:24:06 Borrowing
02:47:45 String vs. &str
03:17:59 Slices
03:31:35 Tuples
03:40:04 Structs
04:02:52 Enums
04:13:46 The "Option" Enum
04:21:32 Flow Control
04:44:43 Pattern Match
05:16:42 Methods & Associated Functions
05:31:50 Generics
06:06:32 Traits
06:47:15 Trait Objects
07:09:51 Associated Types
07:39:31 String
07:59:52 Vectors
08:29:00 HashMaps
08:52:45 Type Coercion
09:04:54 From & Into
09:36:03 panic!
09:44:56 Result
10:28:23 Cargo, Crates & Modules
11:08:28 Debug & Display
11:30:13 Lifetimes
12:14:46 Lifetime Elision
12:38:53 Closures
13:30:08 Iterators 

دوره 13 ساعته زبان Rust