Visual Studio 2017 15.7 منتشر شد
Visual Studio 2017 15.7 منتشر شد
نظرات مطالب
Globalization در ASP.NET MVC - قسمت هفتم

با تشکر از زحمات شما.

یک بهبود جزئی: مطابق Managed Threading Best Practices بهتره از lock this استفاده نشه و از یک شیء object خصوصی استفاده شود.

Use caution when locking on instances, for example lock(this) in C# or SyncLock(Me) in Visual Basic.
If other code in your application, external to the type, takes a lock on the object, deadlocks could occur.

مرجع کامل زبان #C تا نگارش 6

The C# Language Specification is the definitive source for C# syntax and usage. This specification contains detailed information about all aspects of the language, including many points that the documentation for Visual C# doesn't cover. 

مرجع کامل زبان #C تا نگارش 6
بررسی تغییرات Blazor در دات نت 8

What's New in Blazor for .NET 8
Come find out about the future of Blazor in .NET 8! We'll explore all the upcoming features and improvements, including our effort to create a unified full stack web UI programming model that combines the strengths of client and server. We hope to see you there!

You will learn:
How Blazor is becoming the best option for full stack web development
How Blazor in .NET 8 will provide full flexibility to build web apps however works best for you
How to try out the latest Blazor features in .NET 8

بررسی تغییرات Blazor در دات نت 8
مقایسه EntityFrameWork 6 (7) و NHibernate
 There is quite a bit of Entity Framework and NHibernate comparisons on the web already but all of them cover mostly the technical side of the question. In this post, I’ll compare these two technologies from a Domain Driven Design perspective. I’ll step through several code examples and show you how both of these ORMs let you deal with problems. 
مقایسه EntityFrameWork 6 (7) و NHibernate