Tailwind CSS چیست؟

Tailwind CSS is self-described as a utility first CSS framework. Rather than focusing on the functionality of the item being styled, Tailwind is centered around how it should be displayed. This makes it easier for the developer to test out new styles and change the layout. 

Tailwind CSS چیست؟
داستان استفاده از TypeScript در Bloomberg با 2000 توسعه‌ دهنده‌ی تمام وقت JavaScript

A fantastic writeup (from a TC39 member, no less) of how Bloomberg (the financial media company) adopted TypeScript and now has 2,000 full-time JavaScript engineers. Curiously we also learn that Bloomberg also have their own JavaScript runtime built around the V8 engine. 

داستان استفاده از TypeScript در Bloomberg با 2000 توسعه‌ دهنده‌ی تمام وقت JavaScript
Server-side processing با DataTable در ASP.NET Core

 In this article, we will learn how to use JQuery Datatable in ASP.NET Core with Server Side Processing. We will also be building a simple real-world implementation to help understand JQuery Datatable to it’s fullest. You can find the source code of the entire implementation here. Let’s begin 

Server-side processing با DataTable در ASP.NET Core
17 دوره‌ی رایگان دورکاری از linkedin

Remote Working: Setting Yourself and Your Teams Up for Success
Optimize working remotely, whether you’re new to remote work or not, and whether you’re leading a team or part of a team involving distributed team members. Discover how to be productive and stay connected when working from home or other remote environments.  

17 دوره‌ی رایگان دورکاری از linkedin
کتاب Blazor- A Beginners Guide

The book covers these all-important topics:

    • What Blazor is
    • The problems it solves and how it solves them
    • Strategies for moving to Blazor from previous ASP.NET generations and JavaScript
    • Ways to get more out of Blazor by enhancing it with Telerik UI for Blazor to shorten development cycles and benefit your entire team  
کتاب Blazor- A Beginners Guide
بیش از 50 سوال Angular در مصاحبه ها به همراه پاسخ

It’s time to get serious about improving your programming skills. Let’s do it!

That’s an easy career improvement goal to give oneself, but “become a kick-$!! programmer” is not a simple goal. For one thing, saying, “I want to get better” assumes that you recognize what “better” looks like. Plus, too many people aim for improvement without any sense of how to get there. 

بیش از 50 سوال Angular در مصاحبه ها به همراه پاسخ
دریافت NET Core 3 - Minibook.

The people from InfoQ released a free (mini)book about .NET Core. In this book, five authors talk about the current state of .NET Core 3.0 from multiple perspectives. Each author brings their experience and ideas on how different .NET Core 3.0 features are relevant to the .NET ecosystem, both present and future. 

دریافت NET Core 3 - Minibook.
حمله به بدهی‌های فنی

Technical Debt is a metaphor for shortcuts and hacks in software that make it more difficult to change and maintain than it could be with an optimal design. Many applications have accumulated a large amount of technical debt, and figuring out how to deal with it is a fairly common challenge for many developers 

حمله به بدهی‌های فنی
شروع به کار بر روی NET 5.0.

Various .NET Core repos have switched their master branches to "5.0", and will use 3.x branches for 3.0 and 3.1 projects. This is very similar to how we approached 2.x and 3.0 projects. As context, master branches produced 3.0 builds for the entire period of the 2.2 project. 

شروع به کار بر روی NET 5.0.
استفاده از Regular Expressions ها در #C

C# Regex class provides pattern matching funcions in form of regular expressions. The source code examples in this article show how to use Regular Expressions to validate different inputs. The code provides methods to validate Alphabet, AlphaNumeric, Integer, Postive Integers, Floating point numbers and so on 

استفاده از Regular Expressions ها در #C