نظرات مطالب
EF Code First #1
وقتی کانکش استرینگو به این صورت تعربف می‌کنم :
<add name="Context" connectionString="Data Source=localhost;Initial Catalog=test;Integrated Security = true" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/>
<compilation debug="true"/></system.web>

این erorr میده :

An error occurred while getting provider information from the database. This can be caused by Entity Framework using an incorrect connection string. Check the inner exceptions for details and ensure that the connection string is correct. 
علتش چی می‌تونه باشه ؟
تبدیل عدد به حروف

به طور قطع توابع و کلاس‌های تبدیل عدد به حروف، در جعبه ابزار توابع کمکی شما هم پیدا می‌شوند. روز قبل سعی کردم جهت آزمایش، عدد 3000,000,000,000,000 ریال را با کلاسی که دارم تست کنم و نتیجه overflow یا اصطلاحا ترکیدن سیستم بود! البته اگر مطالب این سایت را دنبال کرده باشید پیشتر در همین راستا مطلبی در مورد نحوه‌ی صحیح بکارگیری توابع تجمعی SQL در این سایت منتشر شده است و جزو الزامات هر سیستمی است (تفاوتی هم نمی‌کند که به چه زبانی تهیه شده باشد). اگر آ‌ن‌را رعایت نکرده‌اید، سیستم شما «روزی» دچار overflow خواهد شد.

در کل این کلاس تبدیل عدد به حروف را به صورت ذیل اصلاح کردم و همچنین دو زبانه است؛ چیزی که کمتر در پیاده سازی‌های عمومی به آن توجه شده است:

using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;

namespace NumberToWordsLib
/// <summary>
/// Number to word languages
/// </summary>
public enum Language
/// <summary>
/// English Language
/// </summary>

/// <summary>
/// Persian Language
/// </summary>

/// <summary>
/// Digit's groups
/// </summary>
public enum DigitGroup
/// <summary>
/// Ones group
/// </summary>

/// <summary>
/// Teens group
/// </summary>

/// <summary>
/// Tens group
/// </summary>

/// <summary>
/// Hundreds group
/// </summary>

/// <summary>
/// Thousands group
/// </summary>

/// <summary>
/// Equivalent names of a group
/// </summary>
public class NumberWord
/// <summary>
/// Digit's group
/// </summary>
public DigitGroup Group { set; get; }

/// <summary>
/// Number to word language
/// </summary>
public Language Language { set; get; }

/// <summary>
/// Equivalent names
/// </summary>
public IList<string> Names { set; get; }

/// <summary>
/// Convert a number into words
/// </summary>
public static class HumanReadableInteger
#region Fields (4)

private static readonly IDictionary<Language, string> And = new Dictionary<Language, string>
{ Language.English, " " },
{ Language.Persian, " و " }
private static readonly IList<NumberWord> NumberWords = new List<NumberWord>
new NumberWord { Group= DigitGroup.Ones, Language= Language.English, Names=
new List<string> { string.Empty, "One", "Two", "Three", "Four", "Five", "Six", "Seven", "Eight", "Nine" }},
new NumberWord { Group= DigitGroup.Ones, Language= Language.Persian, Names=
new List<string> { string.Empty, "یک", "دو", "سه", "چهار", "پنج", "شش", "هفت", "هشت", "نه" }},

new NumberWord { Group= DigitGroup.Teens, Language= Language.English, Names=
new List<string> { "Ten", "Eleven", "Twelve", "Thirteen", "Fourteen", "Fifteen", "Sixteen", "Seventeen", "Eighteen", "Nineteen" }},
new NumberWord { Group= DigitGroup.Teens, Language= Language.Persian, Names=
new List<string> { "ده", "یازده", "دوازده", "سیزده", "چهارده", "پانزده", "شانزده", "هفده", "هجده", "نوزده" }},

new NumberWord { Group= DigitGroup.Tens, Language= Language.English, Names=
new List<string> { "Twenty", "Thirty", "Forty", "Fifty", "Sixty", "Seventy", "Eighty", "Ninety" }},
new NumberWord { Group= DigitGroup.Tens, Language= Language.Persian, Names=
new List<string> { "بیست", "سی", "چهل", "پنجاه", "شصت", "هفتاد", "هشتاد", "نود" }},

new NumberWord { Group= DigitGroup.Hundreds, Language= Language.English, Names=
new List<string> {string.Empty, "One Hundred", "Two Hundred", "Three Hundred", "Four Hundred",
"Five Hundred", "Six Hundred", "Seven Hundred", "Eight Hundred", "Nine Hundred" }},
new NumberWord { Group= DigitGroup.Hundreds, Language= Language.Persian, Names=
new List<string> {string.Empty, "یکصد", "دویست", "سیصد", "چهارصد", "پانصد", "ششصد", "هفتصد", "هشتصد" , "نهصد" }},

new NumberWord { Group= DigitGroup.Thousands, Language= Language.English, Names=
new List<string> { string.Empty, " Thousand", " Million", " Billion"," Trillion", " Quadrillion", " Quintillion", " Sextillian",
" Septillion", " Octillion", " Nonillion", " Decillion", " Undecillion", " Duodecillion", " Tredecillion",
" Quattuordecillion", " Quindecillion", " Sexdecillion", " Septendecillion", " Octodecillion", " Novemdecillion",
" Vigintillion", " Unvigintillion", " Duovigintillion", " 10^72", " 10^75", " 10^78", " 10^81", " 10^84", " 10^87",
" Vigintinonillion", " 10^93", " 10^96", " Duotrigintillion", " Trestrigintillion" }},
new NumberWord { Group= DigitGroup.Thousands, Language= Language.Persian, Names=
new List<string> { string.Empty, " هزار", " میلیون", " میلیارد"," تریلیون", " Quadrillion", " Quintillion", " Sextillian",
" Septillion", " Octillion", " Nonillion", " Decillion", " Undecillion", " Duodecillion", " Tredecillion",
" Quattuordecillion", " Quindecillion", " Sexdecillion", " Septendecillion", " Octodecillion", " Novemdecillion",
" Vigintillion", " Unvigintillion", " Duovigintillion", " 10^72", " 10^75", " 10^78", " 10^81", " 10^84", " 10^87",
" Vigintinonillion", " 10^93", " 10^96", " Duotrigintillion", " Trestrigintillion" }},
private static readonly IDictionary<Language, string> Negative = new Dictionary<Language, string>
{ Language.English, "Negative " },
{ Language.Persian, "منهای " }
private static readonly IDictionary<Language, string> Zero = new Dictionary<Language, string>
{ Language.English, "Zero" },
{ Language.Persian, "صفر" }

#endregion Fields

#region Methods (7)

// Public Methods (5) 

/// <summary>
/// display a numeric value using the equivalent text
/// </summary>
/// <param name="number">input number</param>
/// <param name="language">local language</param>
/// <returns>the equivalent text</returns>
public static string NumberToText(this int number, Language language)
return NumberToText((long)number, language);

/// <summary>
/// display a numeric value using the equivalent text
/// </summary>
/// <param name="number">input number</param>
/// <param name="language">local language</param>
/// <returns>the equivalent text</returns>
public static string NumberToText(this uint number, Language language)
return NumberToText((long)number, language);

/// <summary>
/// display a numeric value using the equivalent text
/// </summary>
/// <param name="number">input number</param>
/// <param name="language">local language</param>
/// <returns>the equivalent text</returns>
public static string NumberToText(this byte number, Language language)
return NumberToText((long)number, language);

/// <summary>
/// display a numeric value using the equivalent text
/// </summary>
/// <param name="number">input number</param>
/// <param name="language">local language</param>
/// <returns>the equivalent text</returns>
public static string NumberToText(this decimal number, Language language)
return NumberToText((long)number, language);

/// <summary>
/// display a numeric value using the equivalent text
/// </summary>
/// <param name="number">input number</param>
/// <param name="language">local language</param>
/// <returns>the equivalent text</returns>
public static string NumberToText(this double number, Language language)
return NumberToText((long)number, language);

/// <summary>
/// display a numeric value using the equivalent text
/// </summary>
/// <param name="number">input number</param>
/// <param name="language">local language</param>
/// <returns>the equivalent text</returns>
public static string NumberToText(this long number, Language language)
if (number == 0)
return Zero[language];

if (number < 0)
return Negative[language] + NumberToText(-number, language);

return wordify(number, language, string.Empty, 0);
// Private Methods (2) 

private static string getName(int idx, Language language, DigitGroup group)
return NumberWords.Where(x => x.Group == group && x.Language == language).First().Names[idx];

private static string wordify(long number, Language language, string leftDigitsText, int thousands)
if (number == 0)
return leftDigitsText;

var wordValue = leftDigitsText;
if (wordValue.Length > 0)
wordValue += And[language];

if (number < 10)
wordValue += getName((int)number, language, DigitGroup.Ones);
else if (number < 20)
wordValue += getName((int)(number - 10), language, DigitGroup.Teens);
else if (number < 100)
wordValue += wordify(number % 10, language, getName((int)(number / 10 - 2), language, DigitGroup.Tens), 0);
else if (number < 1000)
wordValue += wordify(number % 100, language, getName((int)(number / 100), language, DigitGroup.Hundreds), 0);
wordValue += wordify(number % 1000, language, wordify(number / 1000, language, string.Empty, thousands + 1), 0);

if (number % 1000 == 0) return wordValue;
return wordValue + getName(thousands, language, DigitGroup.Thousands);

#endregion Methods

دریافت پروژه کامل به همراه Unit tests مرتبط

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Using UTC dates for data is a pretty common and necessary practice but it definitely adds some complexity when managing dates as you always have to remember to properly adjust dates. For display purposes this is pretty straight forward, but for query operations there’s a bit of mental overhead to ensure your date math adds up properly.

No easy solutions, but I hope this post and some of the helpers make life a little easier for you – I know they do for me. 

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فارسی کردن اعداد در صفحات blazor
برای فارسی کردن اعداد در صفحات  HTML قبلا از  کتابخانه‌های  jquery  یا javascript استفاده می‌کردیم. در این مقاله قصد دارم فارسی کردن اعداد را به کمک کامپوننت‌های  blazor انجام دهم. البته بهتر است از این روش برای وقتی استفاده کنیم که قرار است متن ما فقط شامل اعداد باشد؛ مثلا فیلدهای عددی یک جدول.

یک کامپوننت جدید را به نام PersianNumber به صورت زیر ایجاد می‌کنیم. در این کامپوننت یک پارامتر را به نام Number داریم که کاراکتر به کاراکتر آن را پیمایش کرده و اعداد انگلیسی را با اعداد فارسی جایگزین می‌کنیم:

@code {
    public string Number { get; set; }

    protected override Task OnInitializedAsync()
        var persianDic = new Dictionary<char, char>

        var number = Number.ToString();
        var ech = number.ToCharArray();
        for (int i = 0; i < ech.Length; i++)
            persianDic.TryGetValue(ech[i], out char pch);
            if (pch == null)
            ech[i] = pch;
        Number = new string(ech);
        return base.OnInitializedAsync();
حالا از این کامپوننت در هر جای صفحه که مثلا عددی را از دیتابیس (api) دریافت کرده و می‌خواهیم نمایش دهیم، استفاده می‌کنیم:
@foreach (var item in _items)
                        <td class="h6 text-color-1">@item.Title</td>
                        <td> <PersianNumber Number="@item.Price.ToString()"/> ریال</td>