چرا برنامه نویسان باید زبان Golang را یاد بگیرند

Go, also referred to as Golang is a program created by Google. It was designed by Ken Thompson, Rob Pike, and Robert Griesmer. Golang is one of the most rapidly growing languages in terms of popularity. Ken Thompson, Rob Pike, and Robert Griesmer created Go Language to be a language that has numerous cores, implements concurrency easily, works smoothly in a distributed environment and allows the programmer to write programs without too much hustle. Go language also has a lean and user-friendly syntax. 

چرا برنامه نویسان باید زبان Golang را یاد بگیرند
نظرات مطالب
ایجاد سرویس چندلایه‎ی WCF با Entity Framework در قالب پروژه - 7
با سلام؛ قبل از هر چیز ممنون از آموزش خوبتون. یک سوال در رابطه با قسمت اول این آموزش داشتم. من دقیقا با آموزش شما پیش رفتم و در قسمت هفتم آموزشتون در اجرای پروژه دچار مشکل شدم و در مرورگرم با خطای زیر مواجه شدم:
HTTP Error 403.14 - Forbidden
The Web server is configured to not list the contents of this directory.
Most likely causes:

    A default document is not configured for the requested URL, and directory browsing is not enabled on the server.

Things you can try:

    If you do not want to enable directory browsing, ensure that a default document is configured and that the file exists.
    Enable directory browsing using IIS Manager.
        Open IIS Manager.
        In the Features view, double-click Directory Browsing.
        On the Directory Browsing page, in the Actions pane, click Enable.
    Verify that the configuration/system.webServer/directoryBrowse@enabled attribute is set to true in the site or application configuration file.

Detailed Error Information:
Module DirectoryListingModule
Notification ExecuteRequestHandler
Handler StaticFile
Error Code 0x00000000
Requested URL http://localhost:80/3724/
Physical Path C:\inetpub\wwwroot\3724\
Logon Method Anonymous
Logon User Anonymous
کتابخانه Simple 3D Coverflow

Simple 3D Coverflow is a fully 3D multimedia coverflow slider plugin that allows to display multimedia content with an unique original layout from a 3D perspective. It’s perfect for any kind of presentation, for anyone that wants to deliver a great impact to thier visitors. It runs on all major browsers and mobile devices like iPhone, iPad, IOS, Android and Windows. When a thumbnail is clicked you can choose to do nothing, display multimedia content using our great revolution lightbox or to open a new webpage.

کتابخانه Simple 3D Coverflow
Visual Studio 2017 version 15.6.7 منتشر شد
  • VS is more responsive when running Git operations.
  • Debugging large solutions with /debug:fastlink PDBs is more robust. Changes in the PDB/DIA lead to reduced latency and a 30% reduction in heap memory consumption in the VS debugger that used to cause crashes.
  • C++ compiler bugfixes:
    • Fix for the SSA optimizer incorrectly sinking a function call past a store to a variable used in a __finally handler.
    • Fix for the SSA optimizer sometimes incorrectly analyzing memory loads from locations with negative offsets.
    • Fix for the optimizer incorrectly transforming a pre-incremented loop into a post-incremented loop. This was found compiling the ICU project.
  • Microsoft bumped up the Java™ Development Kit 8 to Update 172 (JDK version 8u172). 
Visual Studio 2017 version 15.6.7 منتشر شد
ویژگی های کمتر استفاده شده در NET. - بخش چهارم

Parallel.For & Parallel.ForEach

Parallel.For – اجرای یک حلقه for که در آن عملیات تکرار  ممکن است به صورت موازی انجام شود.
var nums = Enumerable.Range( 0, 1000000 ).ToArray();
long total = 0;

// Use type parameter to make subtotal a long, not an int
Parallel.For< long >( 0, nums.Length, () => 0,
                      ( j, loop, subtotal ) =>
                          subtotal += nums[j];
                          return subtotal;
                      x => Interlocked.Add( ref total, x ) );
Console.WriteLine( "The total is {0:N0}", total ); 
Interlocked.Add با استفاده از این متد می‌توان دو عدد صحیح را با هم جمع کرد (به صورت thread safe) و نتیجه را در عدد اول ذخیره کرد.
Parallel.ForEach – اجرای یک حلقه foreach که در آن عملیات تکرار ممکن است به صورت موازی انجام شود.
var nums = Enumerable.Range( 0, 1000000 ).ToArray();
long total = 0;
Parallel.ForEach< int, long >( nums, // source collection
                               () => 0, // method to initialize the local variable
                               ( j, loop, subtotal ) => // method invoked by the loop on each iteration
                                   subtotal += j; //modify local variable
                                   return subtotal; // value to be passed to next iteration

                               // Method to be executed when each partition has completed.
                               // finalResult is the final value of subtotal for a particular partition.
                               finalResult => Interlocked.Add( ref total, finalResult ) );
Console.WriteLine( "The total from Parallel.ForEach is {0:N0}", total );


تابع  IsInfinity  جهت ارزیابی یک مقدار اعشاری که به سمت مثبت یا منفی بی نهایت می‌باشد، استفاده می‌شود.
Console.WriteLine("IsInfinity(3.0 / 0) == {0}.", double.IsInfinity(3.0 / 0) ? "true" : "false");
مقدار خروجی مثال بالا true می‌باشد.

dynamic Type

با استفاده از نوع dynamic می توان عملیات چک کردن نوع در زمان کامپایل را پشت سر گذاشت و در عوض این عملیات را به زمان اجرا، موکول داد.

نکته: نوع dynamic همانند نوع object در بسیاری از شرایط، یکسان رفتار می‌کند. اگرچه عملیات‌هایی که شامل عبارت‌هایی از نوع dynamic هستند، یا نوع آن توسط کامپایلر بررسی می‌شوند و یا پذیرفته نمی‌شوند. کامپایلر اطلاعات مربوط به یک پردازش (روند) را یکجا بسته بندی می‌کند و این اطلاعات را بعداً در زمان اجرا ارزیابی می‌کند. به عنوان بخشی از این پردازش، متغیرهایی از نوع dynamic به متغیرهایی از نوع object کامپایل می‌شوند. بنابراین نوع dynamic فقط در زمان کامپایل وجود دارند (نه در زمان اجرا).

var i = 20;
dynamic dynamicVariable = i;
Console.WriteLine( dynamicVariable );

var stringVariable = "Example string.";
dynamicVariable = stringVariable;
Console.WriteLine( dynamicVariable );

var dateTimeVariable = DateTime.Today;
dynamicVariable = dateTimeVariable;
Console.WriteLine( dynamicVariable );

// The expression returns true unless dynamicVariable has the value null.
if ( dynamicVariable is dynamic )
    Console.WriteLine( "dynamicVariable variable is dynamic" );

// dynamic and the as operator.
dynamicVariable = i as dynamic;

// throw RuntimeBinderException if the associated object doesn't have the specified method.
// The code is still compiling successfully.
Console.WriteLine( dynamicVariable.ToNow1 );

همانطور که در مثال بالا مشاهده می‌کنید، شما می‌توانید متغیرهایی از نوع‌های مختلف را به یک شی از نوع dynamic اختصاص دهید. همچنین می‌توانید برای بررسی یک متغیر که از نوع dynamic است یا خیر، از عملگر is استفاده کنید. اگر یک خصوصیت را که وجود ندارد، درخواست کنید (خط آخر مثال بالا)، خطای RuntimeBinderException پرتاب می‌شود.


ExpandoObject  این امکان را فراهم می‌آورد که  در زمان اجرا، اعضای یک شیء به صورت پویا، اضافه و حذف شوند (همانند DataTableها).
dynamic sampleObject = new ExpandoObject();
sampleObject.FirstName = "Vahid";
sampleObject.LastName = "Mohammad Taheri";
sampleObject.Age = "28";
sampleObject.TestRemoveProperty = DateTime.Now;
sampleObject.AsString = new Action( () => Console.WriteLine( "{0} {1} is {2} years old.",
                                                                sampleObject.Age ) );
همانطور که در مثال بالا مشاهده می‌کنید، یک شیء با 4 خصوصیت و یک متد را ایجاد کردیم. حال برای حذف یکی از خصوصیت‌ها از روش زیر استفاده می‌کنیم.
( (IDictionary< String, Object >)sampleObject ).Remove( "TestRemoveProperty" );
و در صورت استفاده از خصوصیت حذف شده، خطای  RuntimeBinderException  پرتاب می‌شود.
خاصیت background-clip و نحوه استفاده از آن

background-clip is one of those properties I've known about for years, but rarely used. Maybe just a couple of times as part of a solution to a Stack Overflow question. Until last year, when I started creating my huge collection of sliders. Some of the designs I chose to reproduce were a bit more complex and I only had one element available per slider, which happened to be an input element, meaning that I couldn't even use pseudo-elements on it. Even though that does work in certain browsers, the fact that it works is actually a bug and I didn't want to rely on that. All this meant I ended up using backgrounds, borders, and shadows a lot. I also learned a lot from doing that and this article shares some of those lessons.  

خاصیت background-clip و نحوه استفاده از آن
کتاب رایگان NancyFX Succinctly

In NancyFX Succinctly, you'll learn what NancyFX is all about, where it came from, and what it can do for you as a .NET developer. Author Peter Shaw will explain why NancyFX is more than just another web framework, and teach you some of the many tricks that make it as easy as possible for you to create stunning web-enabled applications on the .NET platform.  

کتاب رایگان NancyFX Succinctly
مجموعه آموزشی رایگان workflow foundation از مایکروسافت
Intro to Windows Workflow Foundation (Part 1 of 7): Workflow in Windows Applications (Level 100)
This webcast is a code-focused introduction to developing workflow-enabled Microsoft Windows platform applications. We cover the basics of developing, designing, and debugging workflow solutions. Gain the knowledge and insight you need to be confident choosing workflow for everyday applications.

Intro to Windows Workflow Foundation (Part 2 of 7): Simple Human Workflow Using E-mail (Level 200)
Have you thought about how you might apply the workflow concept to e-mail? In this webcast New Zealand based regional director, Chris Auld, leads attendees through a simple worked example of the use of SMTP e-mail as part of a workflow solution. Chris demonstrates how to create custom activities to query Active Directory to retrieve user data, send e-mail, and wait for e-mail responses to continue the workflow process. This code-intensive session gives users taking their first steps with workflow a good grounding in some of the key extensibility concepts.

Intro to Windows Workflow Foundation (Part 3 of 7): Hosting and Communications Options in Workflow Scenarios (Level 300)
The session looks at options for hosting workflow applications. We cover managing events, instance tracking, and persistence, and provide a close look at the simple communications mechanisms that are available for you to use in your workflow applications.

Intro to Windows Workflow Foundation (Part 4 of 7): Workflow, Messaging, and Services: Developing Distributed Applications with Workflows (Level 300)
Web service technologies have typically taken a "do-it-yourself" approach to maintaining the interoperation state of services. Using workflow, developers now have tools that allow them to describe the long-running state of their services and delegate much of the state management to the underlying platform. Managing this state correctly becomes even more challenging in applications that coordinate work across multiple services either within an organization or at an Internet scale. This session looks at how developers who use either Microsoft ASMX or Microsoft's framework for building service-oriented applications, code-named "Indigo", can create workflow-oriented applications that are both faster to write and more manageable and flexible once deployed.

Intro to Windows Workflow Foundation (Part 5 of 7): Developing Event Driven State Machine Workflows (Level 300)
State machines used to be something that you had to first draw on paper and then implement in code. This session shows how to use technologies to create event-driven workflows and how to apply this to a typical programming problem. We introduce the concept of a flexible process and show how this can help with modeling real-world processes using state and sequential workflow. Plenty of coding is included to illustrate how you can seamlessly merge state machine design and your code.

Intro to Windows Workflow Foundation (Part 6 of 7): Extending Workflow Capabilities with Custom Activities (Level 300)
It is helpful to think of activities as controls within a workflow, similar to controls used with Microsoft ASP.NET Pages or Microsoft Windows Forms. You can use activities to encapsulate execution logic, communicate with the host and decompose a workflow into reusable components. This session examines the simple process of creating custom activities. If you want to expose activities to other developers designing workflows, you are likely to find this session valuable.

Intro to Windows Workflow Foundation (Part 7 of 7): Developing Rules Driven Workflows (Level 300)
Rules can be a powerful business tool when combined with workflow. In this session, learn how to develop more advanced activities that support the modeling of rich business behavior such as human workflow. Understand when to use rules for business logic, and see how rule policies allow for the description of sophisticated behavior in an integrated and flexible way. This session gives you an interesting insight into the power of using workflow at the core of a line of business application.
Joe Albahari؛ آنچه که از 20 سال برنامه نویسی #C آموختم

What I've learned from 20 years of programming in C# with Joe Albahari with Q&A session - YouTube
In April 2001, I wrote and published my first C# program. Join me in discovering the most valuable principles that I've learned in the 20 years of C# programming that followed. We'll cover a range of topics, with plenty of samples and useful code that you can take away.

00:00 - Introduction
01:04 - Types
18:55 - Functional Programming
19:43 - What Defines Functional Programming?
33:26 - Lazy Values
36:20 - Cache a function - Memoizer
41:49 - Using a Closure instead of a Class
43:24 - Memoizer example
45:07 - Asynchronous Programming
47:58 - How do we abstract around Futures?
53:54 - Asynchronous locking
58:04 - Implementing A-synch lock with Semaphore
01:09:48 - Await inside a UI method vs a library method
01:18:04 - Using Exceptions
01:36:18 - Implementing a Retry
01:39:02 - IEither interface
01:39:58 - Downloading samples on LINQPad
01:40:27 - Q&A Session 

Joe Albahari؛ آنچه که از 20 سال برنامه نویسی #C آموختم