Visual Studio 2017 15.5.7 منتشر شد

Issues Fixed in this Release

Projects targeting .NET Core 2.1 or newer are not supported by Visual Studio 2017 version 15.5 .
Fixed issue where installation of the SDK for .NET Core 2.1 or newer would cause the option to create ASP.NET Core 2.0 Web applications to disappear .
Visual Studio 2017 15.5.7 منتشر شد
BenchmarkDotNet v0.10.13 منتشر شد

BenchmarkDotNet v0.10.13 has been released! This release includes:

  • Mono Support for DisassemblyDiagnoser: Now you can easily get an assembly listing not only on .NET Framework/.NET Core, but also on Mono. It works on Linux, macOS, and Windows (Windows requires installed cygwin with obj and as). (See #541)
  • Support ANY CoreFX and CoreCLR builds: BenchmarkDotNet allows the users to run their benchmarks against ANY CoreCLR and CoreFX builds. You can compare your local build vs MyGet feed or Debug vs Release or one version vs another. (See #651)
  • C# 7.2 support (See #643)
  • .NET 4.7.1 support (See 28aa94)
  • Support Visual Basic project files (.vbroj) targeting .NET Core (See #626)
  • DisassemblyDiagnoser now supports generic types (See #640)
  • Now it's possible to benchmark both Mono and .NET Core from the same app (See #653)
  • Many bug fixes (See details below) 
BenchmarkDotNet v0.10.13 منتشر شد
خلاصه اشتراک‌های روز دو شنبه 1390/06/28

پلاگینی برای ساخت DropDownList های مرتبط
A multi level dependent dropdown JQuery plugin that allows nested dependencies. The plugin allows you to convert normal select inputs, whose options are derived based on value selected in another input/or a group of inputs. It works both with normal select options and select with optgroups as well. 
پلاگینی برای ساخت DropDownList های مرتبط
شروع و پایان پاسخگویی توسعه دهندگان کجاست ؟

Where does a developer's responsibility begin and end when it comes to managing the success of a product? This question has been nagging me for the better part of a year now, and I hope that expressing my thoughts will help cement my thoughts on that particular issue. I've been fortunate enough to work in many environments with varying levels of product responsibility. 

شروع و پایان پاسخگویی توسعه دهندگان کجاست ؟
نظرات مطالب
معرفی JSON Web Token
باتشکر از پاسخ شما
آیا امکان استفاده از asp.net Identity به همراه jwt وجود دارد؟
  مثلا وقتی در پروژه ای که مانند پروژه  Decision کلاس user به صورت( public class User : IdentityUser ) تعریف شده ایا دیگر  امکان استفاده از jwt برای login هست؟
اگر این امکان وجود ندارد استفاده از کدام پیشنهاد میشود؟
ترکیب HttpPost و ValidateAntiForgeryToken

I’ve been kicking around the idea of combining [HttpPost] and [ValidateAntiForgeryToken] in an application using authentication cookies. Both attributes typically appear together to prevent cross-site request forgeries in MVC applications using cookie based authentication. The result looks like the following.  

ترکیب HttpPost و  ValidateAntiForgeryToken
ایجاد اپلیکیشن آنگولار با typescript
: The purpose of this article is to
Provide a working guidance on building AngularJS applications using TypeScript and powered by ASP.NET vNext backend
Experiment with building web applications using facilities provided by and mindset required by Visual Studio Code 
ایجاد اپلیکیشن آنگولار با typescript