هرآنچه باید درباره Google Search Console بدانید
One of the first things you should do after launching a website is create a Google Search Console account. Why? Because it helps you understand how Google crawls, analyses and indexes your website. It’s a great tool to help you discover problems which might hurt your rankings or user experience.
هرآنچه باید درباره Google Search Console بدانید
مقایسه‌ی Blazor و Angular

A comparison of Blazor and Angular when it comes to modern web development—a review of the pros and cons. Does Blazor stack up? 

مقایسه‌ی Blazor و Angular
پیاده سازی یک تراکنش ساده بر مبنای بلاکچین با استفاده از .Net Core

The most popular Blockchain network at this moment is Bitcoin. It is a digital currency that has no central authority. Proof of Work allows Bitcoin to maintain security and validity without a middleman, bank. However, the price is a lot of computing time, therefore a lot of electricity. 

پیاده سازی یک تراکنش ساده بر مبنای بلاکچین با استفاده از .Net Core
انتشار Oracle Entity Framework Core 3.1

I’m happy to announce the release of Oracle Entity Framework Core (EF Core) 3.19.0 beta on NuGet Gallery. This beta supports the new changes in Entity Framework Core 3.1. Since it’s a beta, be sure to check off the “Include Prerelease” box when searching for the assembly on NuGet Gallery. 

انتشار Oracle Entity Framework Core 3.1
بازخوردهای دوره
تبدیلگر تاریخ شمسی برای AutoMapper
ممنون. آقای نصیری من کدهای شمارو استفاده کردم و خطای زیر برای من رخ داد :

Type 'System.String' does not have a default constructor

Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. 

Exception Details: System.ArgumentException: Type 'System.String' does not have a default constructor

من به این صورت نوشتم :

            CreateMap<DateTime, string>().ConvertUsing(new DateTimeToPersianDateTimeConverter());

            CreateMap<User, UserViewModel>();

این هم model و viewmodel :

 public class User : IdentityUser<long, UserLogin, UserRole, UserClaim>
        public virtual DateTime RegisterDate { get; set; }
        // bla bla

  public class UserViewModel
        public string RegisterDate { get; set; }

public List<UserViewModel> GetUsersByPage(int pageNumber, string pagerSortBy, string pagerSortOrder, string term, out int records,
            int recordsPerPage)
    //bla bla bla
    return users.Skip(skipRecords) /*این خط خطا داره*/

ولی وقتی اینطوری استفاده می‌کنم خطا نمیده ولی خب به درد نمیخوره. من میخوام تبدیلش کنم به فارسی :

CreateMap<User, UserViewModel>()
.ForMember(d => d.RegisterDate, m => m.MapFrom(s => s.RegisterDate.ToString()));

ممنون میشم راهنمایی کنید.
9 کتابخانه جاوااسکریپتی جهت ایجاد نمودار
 So you have in your hand tons of data, with a number of variables, that you have to somehow relay to somebody else. Raw, unorganized data is going to be difficult for them to understand. This is why you need help from charts. In web design, charts are one of the best tools for data visualization. It is easy to read, easy on the eyes and relatively easy to set up. 
9 کتابخانه جاوااسکریپتی جهت ایجاد نمودار
استفاده از GoogleMaps در Android (پایه)
Without a doubt, maps are one of the most useful tools for users when included in an app. This tutorial is the first in a series going over Google Maps v2 for Android. It will cover setting up the Google Maps API through the Google Developer Console, including a map fragment in your applications, displaying the user's location, adding markers, drawing on the map, and some general methods that will add utility to your app.
Intermediate  & Advanced
استفاده از GoogleMaps در Android (پایه)
رندر سمت سرور کامپوننت‌های Blazor در دات نت 8

  The "Blazor United" effort is really a collection of features we're adding to Blazor so that you can get the best of server & client based web development. These features include: Server-side rendering, streaming rendering, enhanced navigations & form handling, add client interactivity per page or component, and determining the client render mode at runtime. We've started delivering server-side rendering support for Blazor with .NET 8 Preview 3, which is now available to try out. We plan to deliver the remaining features in upcoming previews. We hope to deliver them all for .NET 8, but we'll see how far we get. 

رندر سمت سرور کامپوننت‌های Blazor در دات نت 8