آینده SQL Server CE

SQL Server compact edition is in deprecation mode with no new releases planned near future 

آینده SQL Server CE
نظرات مطالب
سیلورلایت 5 و تاریخ شمسی
سلام جناب نصیری
من تو پروژه سیلور از OData استفاده کردم. وقتی می خواستم Max یک ستون رو برگردونم با پیغام زیر مواجه شدم.
.NotSupportedException: The method 'Max' is not supported
ظاهرا بعضی از متدها موقع کوئری نوشتن (LINQ to Entities) با OData و WCF سازگار نیستن و ساپورت نمیشوند.(البته تا جایی که من سرچ کردم و یه چیزایی فهمیدم).
This topic provides information about the way in which LINQ queries are composed and executed when you are using the WCF Data Services client and limitations of using LINQ to query a data service that implements the Open Data Protocol (OData). For more information about composing and executing queries against an OData-based data service, see Querying the Data Service (WCF Data Services).
Composing LINQ Queries
LINQ enables you to compose queries against a collection of objects that implements IEnumerable. Both the Add Service Reference dialog box in Visual Studio and the DataSvcUtil.exe tool are used to generate a representation of an OData service as an entity container class that inherits from DataServiceContext, as well as objects that represent the entities returned in feeds. These tools also generate properties on the entity container class for the collections that are exposed as feeds by the service. Each of these properties of the class that encapsulates the data service return a DataServiceQuery. Because the DataServiceQuery class implements the IQueryable interface defined by LINQ, the WCF Data Services you can compose a LINQ query against feeds exposed by the data service, which are translated by the client library into a query request URI that is sent to the data service on execution.
The set of queries expressible in the LINQ syntax is broader than those enabled in the URI syntax that is used by OData data services. A NotSupportedException is raised when the query cannot be mapped to a URI in the target data service. For more information, see the Unsupported LINQ Methods in this topic.
لطفا اگر امکانش هست راهنمائی بفرمائید و اینکه حالا که ساپورت نمیشه چه راه حلی وجود داره برای Max گرفتن.
با تشکر

دوره ساخت قدم به قدم یک برنامه‌ی NET MAUI.

In this video we perform a full step by step build of a .NET MAUI App that we test on both Windows and Android. The app interacts with a separate .NET 6 API that we also build step by step.

Level: Beginner

⏲️ Time Codes ⏲️


- 0:48 Welcome
- 03:13 App demo
- 06:07 Course overview
- 09:14 Ingedients
- 10:10 What is .NET MAUI?
- 12:48 How MAUI works
- 15:14 MAUI project anatomy
- 19:47 MAUI App start up sequence
- 22:29 UI Conepts
- 28:21 XAML vs C#
- 30:29 Solution Architecture
- 31:41 Application Architecture

API Build

- 35:31 API Project Set up
- 42:41 API Model definition
- 44:47 API Db Context
- 47:13 Connection String
- 52:19 Migrations
- 56:31 API Read Endpoint
- 1:01:58 API Create Endpoint
- 1:08:15 API Update Endpoint
- 1:12:57 API Delete Endpoint

MAUI App Build

- 1:17:21 MAUI App Project Set up
- 1:21:00 Android Device Manager
- 1:25:08 MAUI Model definition
- 1:31:16 Data Service Interface
- 1:35:40 Data Service Implementation
- 1:47:27 Data Service Read Method
- 1:53:34 Data Service Create Method
- 1:58:48 Data Service Delete Method
- 2:01:53 Data Service Update Method
- 2:05:41 Android environment config
- 2:11:00 Architecture check point
- 2:11:54 Register MainPage for DI
- 2:14:13 MainPage code-behind
- 2:21:03 MainPage XAML Layout
- 2:30:19 Re-work MainPage layout
- 2:35:12 Add another page (ManagePage)
- 2:38:01 Adding a Route
- 2:30:01 Regiter ManagePage for DI
- 2:40:29 Complete MainPage code-behind
- 2:45:12 ManagePage code-behind
- 2:51:16 QueryProperty
- 2:57:34 ManagePage XMAL
- 3:07:56 Run on Windows
- 3:09:30 Re-work ManagePage layout
- 3:16:26 Using HttpClientFactory


- 3:21:02 Wrap up and thanks
- 3:21:31 Supporter Credits 

دوره ساخت قدم به قدم یک برنامه‌ی NET MAUI.
PostgreSQL 11 منتشر شد

Postgres 11 is out and brings more robustness and performance for partitioning, enhanced capabilities for query parallelism, Just-in-Time (JIT) compilation for expressions, and a couple of more useful or convenient changes. 

PostgreSQL 11 منتشر شد
تغییرات COM مخصوص NET 5.

With .NET 5, direct support of WinRT has been removed from the C# language and CLR, including most of the functionality previously provided in System.Runtime.InteropServices. In some cases, C#/WinRT provides equivalent functionality. In other cases, functionality may no longer be supported. This article provides a migration guide for interop scenarios in C#/WinRT. 

تغییرات COM مخصوص NET 5.
نحوه استفاده از source control بر روی دیتابیس

A robust DevOps environment requires having continuous integration for every component of the system. But far too often, the database is omitted from the equation, leading to problems from fragile production releases and inefficient development practices to simply making it harder to onboard new programmers.

In this article, we discuss the unique aspects of databases, both relational and NoSQL, in a successful continuous integration environment. 

نحوه استفاده از source control بر روی دیتابیس
ویژوال استودیو را هک کنید!

Visual Studio, like any Integrated Development Environment, can host extensions for more specialist languages or development tasks. This sort of work is reasonably straightforward most of the time but occasionally you need functionality that isn't available in the APIs. Michal takes two examples, printing code in an editing window, and gaining access to the Visual Studio Notifications, and explains how to hack Visual Studio to get to the functionality.

ویژوال استودیو را هک کنید!
5 نکته که بعنوان توسعه دهنده برنامه های وب باید بررسی کرد

Every day millions of users are commuting on the electronic highway. For you as a web developer you want to ensure that your website is adapted to the needs of the modern user and that you're not putting up road blocks, forcing users to take side roads.

Using modern web standards you can remove these road blocks and optimise your website to accommodate all users regardless of the browser they're using. 

5 نکته که بعنوان توسعه دهنده برنامه های وب باید بررسی کرد
مستندات جدید StructureMap

StructureMap is the oldest, continuously used IoC/DI container for .Net dating back to its first public release and production usage all the way back in June 2004 on .Net 1.1. The current 3.* release represents 10+ years of lessons learned in the StructureMap and greater .Net community -- while also wiping away a great deal of legacy design decisions that no longer make sense today.

مستندات جدید StructureMap