پیشنهاد اضافه شدن type به JavaScript

Today we’re excited to announce our support and collaboration on a new Stage 0 proposal to bring optional and erasable type syntax to JavaScript. Because this new syntax wouldn’t change how surrounding code runs, it would effectively act as comments. We think this has the potential to make TypeScript easier and faster to use for development at every scale. We’d like to talk about why we’re pursuing this, and how this proposal works at a high level.


پیشنهاد اضافه شدن type به JavaScript
تغییرات ASP.NET Core در NET 6 Preview 6.

Here’s what’s new in this preview release:

  • Improved Blazor accessibility
  • Required Blazor component parameters
  • Efficient byte array transfers for JavaScript interop
  • Optional parameters for view component tag helpers
  • Angular template updated to Angular 12
  • OpenAPI support for minimal APIs
  • Inject services into minimal APIs without [FromServices] attribute
  • Configure the accept socket for Kestrel
  • IHttpActivityFeature
  • Long running activity tag for SignalR connections
  • WebSocket compression
  • SignalR WebSockets TestServer support
  • New OnCheckSlidingExpiration event for controlling cookie renewal
  • ClientCertificateMode.DelayCertificate 
تغییرات ASP.NET Core در NET 6 Preview 6.
ReScript زبان پس از TypeScript؟

In the confusing jungle of transpiler languages for JavaScript, there are some gems. TypeScript is mainstream, ReScript is starting to establish itself, and Elm is still an insider tip. This article takes a detailed look at ReScript – but also sheds light on the limitations of the young language. In what projects does its use make sense? What projects should rather use TypeScript on the one hand or Elm on the other? 

ReScript زبان پس از TypeScript؟
دوره آموزشی Blazor

Welcome to this short introduction to Blazor! This new Microsoft framework uses a unique approach to leverage your existing C# and .NET skills to create single-page applications running in web browsers. The technology that makes this possible is called WebAssembly, an open standard supported directly by current browsers on desktop and mobile platforms. You write C# and Razor code instead of JavaScript, and the compiled app runs natively on the client.

Sample Source Code: https://github.com/DevExpress/blazor-training-samples  

دوره آموزشی Blazor
تست خودکار API های سمت سرور توسط Mocha و Chai و TypeScript در VSCode

This project uses mochachaitypescript and vs code debug toghether, so you can write your api tests easily. 

This is useful for scenarios when you've some api developed in python for example, but you'd prefer to develop tests in typescript/javascript.

Another use case is when you've some legacy api and you want to develop some tests to make [risk free change] of your legacy api possibel! 

تست خودکار API های سمت سرور توسط Mocha و Chai و TypeScript در VSCode
کتابخانه dragula

Drag and drop so simple it hurts  Demo

Framework support includes vanilla JavaScript, Angular, and React.


  • Super easy to set up
  • No bloated dependencies
  • Figures out sort order on its own
  • A shadow where the item would be dropped offers visual feedback
  • Touch events!
  • Seamlessly handles clicks without any configuration 
کتابخانه dragula
کتابخانه perfect-scrollbar

Minimalistic but perfect custom scrollbar plugin  Demo

perfect means...

  • There should be no css change on any original element.
  • The scrollbar should not affect the original design layout.
  • The design of the scrollbar should be (nearly) fully customizable.
  • If the size of the container or the content changes, the scrollbar size and position should be able to change.
  • New! It should work with vanilla JavaScript and major tools like NPM or Browserify.
کتابخانه perfect-scrollbar
کتابخانه mesing

meSing.js is a JavaScript singing synthesis library that uses the Web Audio API's DSP capabilities in conjunction with the meSpeak.js speech synthesis library to provide a vocal synthesizer for the web. First, the lyrics with corresponding MIDI notes are parsed and fed to meSpeak.js; the resulting text-to-speech output is then converted into a series of AudioBufferSourceNodes, which are subsequently processed and adjusted for pitch, rhythm, and expression.  Demo

کتابخانه mesing
معرفی Ember

Would you like help creating single-page applications (SPAs)? Maybe you've worked with tools like jQuery and AJAX, but what about Ember? With a simple syntax and an emphasis on reuse and components, this JavaScript framework can make it very easy to create interactive pages. Get a close look at Ember, plus lots of demos and practical tips with popular experts Adam Tuliper and Christopher Harrison, in this three-hour event for the MVA community 

معرفی Ember
ایجاد Responsive jQuery Pop-Up Gallery
in this tutorial you will lean how to create a an awesome popup gallery. Each gallery will have a small preview animation. This tutorial will provide you with five different popup galleries. All the main animations are done using CSS transitions. I would of liked to build the entire thing using CSS only but unfortunately this was a pretty complex gallery so i had to use some JavaScript.  Demo
ایجاد Responsive jQuery Pop-Up Gallery