سری ساخت یک برنامه‌ی #C از آغاز تا پایان

C# Application From Start to Finish: Tournament Tracker Course - YouTube
28 videos, 192,192 views, Last updated on Jan 13, 2019
Follow along in this free course as I show you how to create an application in C# from idea through the finished product. Everything is shown on screen and in great detail. Learn how to use SQL databases, CSV text files, custom events, Linq, Lambda expressions, emailing, and more. Everything you learn will be in context of a real application.

سری ساخت یک برنامه‌ی #C از آغاز تا پایان
DataMasker پروژه‌ای برای درهم سازی خروجی اطلاعات Sql Server
A free data masking and/or anonymizer library for Sql Server written in .NET If you've ever needed to pull down databases from a live environment to stage or even dev you'll need to think about masking any personal information. There are options out there paid and free, however the free ones I've found do not provide genuine data and the paid options are too pricey when it's only a few tables.
DataMasker پروژه‌ای برای درهم سازی خروجی اطلاعات Sql Server
تکنیک‌هایی جهت بالا بردن سرعت برنامه‌های AngularJS

AngularJS is a huge framework with that already has many performance enhancements built in, but they can’t solve all our problems. No matter how fast the framework, we can all create sluggish code through bad practices and not understanding key concepts that help it perform well.  

تکنیک‌هایی جهت بالا بردن سرعت برنامه‌های AngularJS
نظرات مطالب
EF Code First #4
ممنونم از راهنماییتون.
با این کار فایل Configuration ایجاد میشه ولی اون فایل دوم ایجاد نمیشه . وقتی بقیه دستورات رو هم اجرا میکنم(Update-datebase و ...) هم خطای 
An error occurred while getting provider information from the database. This can be caused by Entity Framework using an incorrect connection string. Check the inner exceptions for details and ensure that the connection string is correct. 
 رو میده .
تو فایل app.config ،هم Connection string رو اضافه کردم ولی باز هم همین خطا رو میده!
Paper Cut یک ایمیل سرور دسکتاپ
If you ever send emails from an application or web site during development, you're familiar with the fear of an email being released into the wild. Are you positive none of the 'test' emails are addressed to colleagues or worse, customers? Of course, you can set up and maintain a test email server for development -- but that's a chore. Plus, the delay when you are waiting to view new test emails can radically slow your development cycle 
Paper Cut یک ایمیل سرور دسکتاپ
تصورات غلط در مورد دورکاری

Have you ever discussed remote work with someone who has never worked remotely? How did it go? If they were like most people, it probably didn’t go all that well. It can be difficult for people to understand how someone could work from home, be productive, and end up being a normal human being at the end of the day.  

تصورات غلط در مورد دورکاری
نام اندروید Q به اندروید ۱۰ تغییر کرد

Over the last decade, Android's open platform has created a thriving community of manufacturers and developers that reach a global audience with their devices and apps. This has expanded beyond phones to tablets, cars, watches, TVs and more—with more than 2.5 billion active devices around the world. As we continue to build Android for everyone in the community, our brand should be as inclusive and accessible as possible—and we think we can do better in a few ways. 

نام اندروید Q به اندروید ۱۰ تغییر کرد
بومی سازی در MVC 6

This article shows some of the ways in which localization can be used in a MVC 6 ASP.NET 5 application.

بومی سازی در MVC 6
روش صحیح استفاده از ASP.NET Identity، بدون وابستگی Domain و سایر لایه ها به آن

The Problem

What they neglect to say is all that testability and persistence ignorance flies right out the window when you create a new ASP.NET Web Application using the MVC template and "Individual User Accounts" authentication. What you get is a single-layered application, tightly coupled to Entity Framework, that:

  • Ignores the patterns that facilitate testing, including: the repository pattern, unit of work pattern, and dependency injection;

  • Forces you to implement their IUser interface in your application’s User entity, thereby coupling it to ASP.NET Identity;

  • Eliminates any clear separation between your entities, persistence concerns, and business logic. Persistence ignorance? Forget about it.

Thankfully, due to the extensibility designed into ASP.NET Identity, it is possible to ditch the reference to the Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.EntityFramework assembly and write a custom implementation that can address these and other architectural issues. Just be forewarned: it is not a trivial undertaking, and you’ll have to put up with some code smell that is baked into the Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.Core assembly. 

روش صحیح استفاده از ASP.NET Identity، بدون وابستگی Domain و سایر لایه ها به آن