یک راهنمای کامل MVC 6 Tag Helpers
Tag Helpers are a new feature in MVC that you can use for generating HTML. The syntax looks like HTML (elements and attributes) but is processed by Razor on the server. Tag Helpers are in many ways an alternative syntax to Html Helper methods but they also provide some functionality that was either difficult or impossible to do with helper methods. Each tag helper has a different behavior and different options. This post will give you an overview and links to more details for each tag helper 
یک راهنمای کامل MVC 6 Tag Helpers
NHibernate 5.0 منتشر شد

** Highlights
* IO bound methods have gained an async counterpart. Not intended for parallelism, make sure to await each
call before further interacting with a session and its queries.
* Strongly typed DML operation (insert/update/delete) are now available as Linq extensions on queryables.
* Entities collections can be queried with .AsQueryable() Linq extension without being fully loaded.
* Reference documentation has been curated and completed, notably with a Linq section.

NHibernate 5.0 منتشر شد
امکان دیباگ کردن برنامه هایی که پلتفرم مقصدشان لینوکس است در ویژال استدیو

Microsoft has released a preview of its new Visual Studio GDB extension, contributing to their ongoing effort to make Visual Studio support as many development environments as possible.  Microsoft's Marc Goodner has provided details of this new ability, which can be used with Visual Studio 2015 Community edition or higher.  

امکان دیباگ کردن برنامه هایی که پلتفرم مقصدشان لینوکس است در ویژال استدیو
روش های مدرن برای ثبت خطا در سی شارپ

Logging is a big part of software development for many years now. One can argue that a logging mechanism is a must-have part of any application or library. I would agree with that statement. Logging has a crucial part to play in a scenario where you can’t use interactive debugging (that is, attaching a debugger like Visual Studio). It allows us to investigate errors after the problem already happened. In some cases, like Production Debugging, logs might be the only information you have. 

روش های مدرن برای ثبت خطا در سی شارپ
سربارگذاری true و false در #C

Apparently, there are “true” and “false” operators and you can overload these. But I also wanted to know what are these good for, given I’ve never heard about these. 

سربارگذاری true و false در #C
بهترین فریم ورک جاوا اسکریپتی برای یادگیری در سال 2021

Based on the above observations, we can conclude that React will be the best framework to learn in 2021, followed by Vue. But there is a high chance of Angular defending second place since it has been there for a longer period of time than Vue, and surely 2021 is not the end of that. So if you are an Angular developer, I suggest you learn React in the upcoming days.

بهترین فریم ورک جاوا اسکریپتی برای یادگیری در سال 2021
انتشار Node.js Tools در GitHub
With the start of a new season of Game of Thrones, folks are sitting on the edge of their seats waiting to see what’s coming. Unlike the Khaleesi who seems to be going nowhere fast, Node.js Tools for Visual Studio (NTVS) has made some moves recently. Over the last month, we released Node.js Tools 1.0 for Visual Studio, joined the vibrant open source community on GitHub , and created VM images so anyone can quickly get started with NTVS.
انتشار Node.js Tools در GitHub
با DotVVM، برنامه‌های ASP.NET Web Forms خود را بر فراز NET Core. اجرا کنید!

Did you know that DotVVM can be used to incrementally modernize old ASP.NET Web Forms applications and lift them to .NET Core? It is much easier than doing a full rewrite, and the application can be deployed at any time during the entire process.

  • Install DotVVM NuGet package in your Web Forms site
  • Create a DotVVM master page using the same CSS
  • Start converting ASPX pages to DotHTML syntax, one at a time
  • When all the Web Forms pages are gone, change your CSPROJ to use .NET Core 
با DotVVM، برنامه‌های ASP.NET Web Forms خود را بر فراز NET Core. اجرا کنید!