Angular 7 در راه است

Today Angular Team released Angular 7 beta.0 release. Many of us will be curious about the kind of features and bug fixes that we can see in this beta release. 

Angular 7 در راه است
معرفی IndexedDB در مرورگر

This article introduces you to the in-browser document database known as IndexedDB. With IndexedDB you can create, read, update, and delete large sets of records in much the same way you are accustomed to doing with server-side databases. To experiment with a working version of the code presented in this article, please go to , and the full source code is available via the GitHub repository found at .

معرفی IndexedDB در مرورگر
کتابخانه DoFilter

DoFilter is a Full Responsive Bootstrap Multipurpose Filtering and Shorting plugin built on Latest Version of Bootstrap Framework (v3.3.7), HTML5, CSS3 and jQuery. Its wonderful features can be used to Filtering and Shorting your website content as like Portfolio, Service, Team, Blog, Products, Pricing, FAQ etc. Also you can customize it for Filtering and Shorting any your website content.

DoFilter is a Full Responsive Isotope Multipurpose Filtering and Shorting plugin. Filtering can hide and show item elements with the filter option. Items that match that filter will be shown. DoFilter Responsive Isotope Multipurpose Filtering and Shorting can rearrange the order of item elements based on their data. Items that do not match will be hidden.

There are 19+ filter styles with 100% responsive design. Indeed, you will be able to showcase your content on mobile devices such as smart phones and tablets. It has many features like CSS3 and jQuery animations, single and multiple Shorting and Filtering. All the codes are clean and well organized. Also have proper help documentation. It looks great with all types of devices. 

کتابخانه DoFilter
کتاب Cryptography in .NET Succinctly

Irresponsible ownership of data is the cause of many leaked emails, data, and other damaging information. Securing a user’s personal information is the job of software developers. If you, as a developer, can decrypt the information stored in the database of the system you are working on, then so can anyone else. In Cryptography in .NET Succinctly, Dirk Strauss will take readers through generating cryptographic signatures, hashing and salting passwords, and when and how to use symmetric vs. asymmetric encryption. 

کتاب Cryptography in .NET Succinctly
استفاده از Docker با برنامه‌های دات نت

Docker lets you build and run apps, more quickly, with less hardware. That’s why application container technology (and Docker in particular) is so popular. You can run hundreds of containers on a server which could only run a handful of VMs, and containers are fast to deploy and can be versioned like the software they run. 

استفاده از Docker با برنامه‌های دات نت
7 نکته مهم در برنامه نویسی Async در سی شارپ

With the rise of multi-core processors and multi-threading, Asynchronous Programming has become an essential tool for building efficient and responsive C# applications. Fortunately, C# provides a rich library for making Asynchronous calls. However, this complex and advanced topic can be challenging for many developers. 

7 نکته مهم در برنامه نویسی Async در سی شارپ
مدیریت مباحث همزمانی مرتبط با یک Rich Domain Model با استفاده از EFCore و الگوی Aggregate

In summary, the most important issues here are:

  • The Aggregate’s main task is to protect invariants (business rules, the boundary of immediate consistency)
  • In a multi-threaded environment, when multiple threads are running simultaneously on the same Aggregate, a business rule may be broken
  • A way to solve concurrency conflicts is to use Pessimistic or Optimistic concurrency techniques
  • Pessimistic Concurrency involves the use of a database transaction and a locking mechanism. In this way, requests are processed one after the other, so basically concurrency is lost and it can lead to deadlocks.
  • Optimistic Concurrency technique is based on versioning database records and checking whether the previously loaded version has not been changed by another thread.
  • Entity Framework Core supports Optimistic Concurrency. Pessimistic Concurrency is not supported
  • The Aggregate must always be treated and versioned as a single unit
  • Domain events are an indicator, that state was changed so Aggregate version should be changed as well 
public class AggregateRootBase : Entity, IAggregateRoot
    private int _versionId;

    public void IncreaseVersion()
internal sealed class OrderEntityTypeConfiguration : IEntityTypeConfiguration<Order>
    public void Configure(EntityTypeBuilder<Order> builder)
var order = await _ordersContext.Orders.FindAsync(orderId);
var domainEvents = DomainEventsHelper.GetAllDomainEvents(order);
if (domainEvents.Any())
await _ordersContext.SaveChangesAsync();

مدیریت مباحث همزمانی مرتبط با یک Rich Domain Model با استفاده از EFCore و الگوی Aggregate
اجرای دات نت در مروگر توسط Ooui

Earlier this year, Microsoft announced their support for Blazor, and now Frank A. Krueger has developed the Ooui library which allows C# or F# to be used to write applications that run in the browser.  Ooui can target WASM, enabling Xamarin.Forms app to be deployed in web assembly and the result runs entirely in-browser without the need for an application server. 

اجرای دات نت در مروگر توسط Ooui
طراحی Entity پایه برای کلاس های Domain

How you shouldn’t implement base classes

public class Entity<T>

  public T Id { get; protected set; }


Motivation for such code it pretty clear: you have a base class that can be reused across multiple projects. For instance, if there is a web application with GUID Id columns in the database and a desktop app with integer Ids, it might seem a good idea to have the same class for both of them. In fact, this approach introduces accidental complexity because of premature generalization. 

There is no need in using a single base entity class for more than one project or bounded context. Each domain has its unique path, so let it grow independently. Just copy and paste the base entity class to a new project and specify the exact type that will be used for the Id property. 

طراحی Entity پایه برای کلاس های Domain