یک راهنمای کامل MVC 6 Tag Helpers
Tag Helpers are a new feature in MVC that you can use for generating HTML. The syntax looks like HTML (elements and attributes) but is processed by Razor on the server. Tag Helpers are in many ways an alternative syntax to Html Helper methods but they also provide some functionality that was either difficult or impossible to do with helper methods. Each tag helper has a different behavior and different options. This post will give you an overview and links to more details for each tag helper 
یک راهنمای کامل MVC 6 Tag Helpers
لیست جلسات کنفرانس NET Fringe 2015.

".NET Fringe is a new conference focused on .NET developers who are breaking the rules and pushing the boundaries. The .NET platform is more interesting today than it ever has been! The old Microsoft that was at odds with Open Source has been replaced with on

لیست جلسات کنفرانس NET Fringe 2015.
نگارش نهایی EF Core 3.0 و EF 6.3 منتشر شد

We are extremely excited to announce the general availability of EF Core 3.0and EF 6.3 on  nuget.org . 

What’s new in EF Core 3.0

Including major features, minor enhancements, and bug fixes, EF Core 3.0 contains more than 600 product improvements. Here are some of the most important ones:

  •  LINQ overhaul
  •  Restricted client evaluation
  •  Single SQL statement per LINQ query
  •  Cosmos DB support
  •  C# 8.0 support (Asynchronous streams, Nullable reference types)
  •  Interception of database operations
  •  Reverse engineering of database views
  •  Dependent entities sharing a table with principal are now optional
نگارش نهایی EF Core 3.0 و EF 6.3 منتشر شد
Bootstrap 5.2.1 منتشر شد

Bootstrap v5.2.1 is here with fixes from our latest minor release, v5.2. As a patch release, these changes are limited to bug fixes, documentation updates, and some dependency updates. 

Bootstrap 5.2.1 منتشر شد
Rider 2018.1 منتشر شد

Rider 2018.1 adds support for Roslyn analyzers and Entity Framework, introduces XAML preview, takes Unity integration to a whole new level, improves debugger with Memory view and other updates, evolves F# and NuGet support. 

Rider 2018.1 منتشر شد