پیش نمایش Windows Package Manager چگونه کار می‌کند؟

Windows Package Manager will support every Windows 10 version since the Fall Creators Update (1709)! The Windows Package Manager will be delivered with the Desktop App Installer when we ship version 1.0. If you are building software to run on Windows 10 you will have a simple way for your customers to install your software on billions of machines. 

پیش نمایش Windows Package Manager چگونه کار می‌کند؟
ایجاد پروژه های Portable با استفاده از NET Core 3.0

A self-contained app is a great way to share your application as all components, runtime, and framework are included with the application. All you have to provide is the application .exe file without worrying about the presence of framework or runtime installation status on other machines. 

ایجاد پروژه های Portable با استفاده از NET Core 3.0
روش صحیح استفاده از ASP.NET Identity، بدون وابستگی Domain و سایر لایه ها به آن

The Problem

What they neglect to say is all that testability and persistence ignorance flies right out the window when you create a new ASP.NET Web Application using the MVC template and "Individual User Accounts" authentication. What you get is a single-layered application, tightly coupled to Entity Framework, that:

  • Ignores the patterns that facilitate testing, including: the repository pattern, unit of work pattern, and dependency injection;

  • Forces you to implement their IUser interface in your application’s User entity, thereby coupling it to ASP.NET Identity;

  • Eliminates any clear separation between your entities, persistence concerns, and business logic. Persistence ignorance? Forget about it.

Thankfully, due to the extensibility designed into ASP.NET Identity, it is possible to ditch the reference to the Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.EntityFramework assembly and write a custom implementation that can address these and other architectural issues. Just be forewarned: it is not a trivial undertaking, and you’ll have to put up with some code smell that is baked into the Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.Core assembly. 

روش صحیح استفاده از ASP.NET Identity، بدون وابستگی Domain و سایر لایه ها به آن
نسخه بتا گیت هاب برای اندروید به زودی منتشر می‌شود

There’s a lot you can do on GitHub that doesn’t require a complex development environment, like sharing feedback on a design discussion or reviewing a few lines of code. We’re making these tasks easier to complete while you’re on the go, with a fully-native experience. With GitHub for mobile, you have the flexibility to move work forward and stay in touch with your team, wherever you are 

نسخه بتا گیت هاب برای اندروید به زودی منتشر می‌شود
جزئیاتی درباره تغییرات NET Core 2.0.

It has only been about a year since .NET Core 1.0 RC came out. We are now getting close to .NET Core 2.0. We have been playing with .NET Core since the betas and feel like the quality of the 1.0 runtime was very good. Our only complaint has really been odd Visual Studio behavior. We would expect that with 2.0, the adoption of .NET Core is likely to skyrocket. 

جزئیاتی درباره تغییرات NET Core 2.0.
تزریق وابستگی (DI) در ASP.NET Core

I’ve been building some ASP.NET Core apps as of late and had to dig into how Dependency Injection works there. After talking with Julie Lerman a bit on Twitter about it, I realized that there might be some confusing things about how it works in ASP.NET Core, so I’m hoping I can add some clarity in this post. 

تزریق وابستگی (DI) در ASP.NET Core
تحلیل کننده User Agent تحت net standard.

با پشتیبانی net core.

using UAParser;


  string uaString = "Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 5_1_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/534.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.1 Mobile/9B206 Safari/7534.48.3";

  // get a parser with the embedded regex patterns
  var uaParser = Parser.GetDefault();
  // get a parser using externally supplied yaml definitions
  // var uaParser = Parser.FromYamlFile(pathToYamlFile);
  // var uaParser = Parser.FromYaml(yamlString);

  ClientInfo c = uaParser.Parse(uaString);

  Console.WriteLine(c.UserAgent.Family); // => "Mobile Safari"
  Console.WriteLine(c.UserAgent.Major);  // => "5"
  Console.WriteLine(c.UserAgent.Minor);  // => "1"

  Console.WriteLine(c.OS.Family);        // => "iOS"
  Console.WriteLine(c.OS.Major);         // => "5"
  Console.WriteLine(c.OS.Minor);         // => "1"

  Console.WriteLine(c.Device.Family);    // => "iPhone"
تحلیل کننده User Agent تحت net standard.
Visual Studio Code 1.16 منتشر شد

The new version ships with the Extract function refactoring for TypeScript. Also, HTML tags are now closed automatically. 

Visual Studio Code 1.16 منتشر شد
ارجاعات در فایل XML

XML in general is a powerful beast, with so many options available that it quickly gets really complex. The XML Digital Signatures standard is no exception to that. The extra features complexity of XML DSig compared to other signature standard is that one or more different blocks of data can be signed by the same signature block. That data can be the containing XML Document, part of an XML document or some other resource such as a web page. In this post we’ll only look at signing resources in the document containing the signature. 

ارجاعات در فایل XML