کتابخانه 101

1) 101 will be maintained to minimize overlap with vanilla JS.

  • 101 utils are made to work well with vanilla JS methods.
  • 101 will only duplicate vanilla JS to provide functional programming paradigms or if the method is not available in a widely supported JS version (currently ES5).
  • Underscore/lodash - duplicates a lot of ES5: forEach, map, reduce, filter, sort, and more.

2) No need for custom builds.

  • With 101, import naturally, and what you use will be bundled.
  • Each util method is a module that can be required require('101/<util>').
  • Currently node/browserify is supported, I will add other module system support on request.
  • Underscore/lodash is large, and you have to manually create custom builds when if you're trying to optimize for size. 
کتابخانه 101
Angular 2 نسخه‌ی 2.0.0-rc.0 منتشر شد

  • To import various symbols please adjust the paths in the following way:
  • angular2/core -> @angular/core
  • angular2/compiler -> @angular/compiler
  • angular2/common -> @angular/common
  • angular2/platform/browser -> @angular/platform-browser (applications with precompiled templates) + @angular/platform-browser-dynamic (applications that compile templates on the fly)
  • angular2/platform/server -> @angular/platform-server
  • angular2/testing -> @angular/core/testing (it/describe/..) + @angular/compiler/testing (TestComponentBuilder) + @angular/platform-browser/testing
  • angular2/upgrade -> @angular/upgrade
  • angular2/http -> @angular/http
  • angular2/router -> @angular/router-deprecated (snapshot of the component router from beta.17 for backwards compatibility)
  • new package: @angular/router - component router with several breaking changes  
Angular 2 نسخه‌ی 2.0.0-rc.0 منتشر شد
آنگولار متریال 1 منتشر شد

What makes 1.0 different from our pre-release builds?

  • Stable CSS and API surface.We're now confident in the API for these components and do not plan any breaking changes.
  • Supported platforms: Tested on IE 11+, Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Android 4.2+ and iOS 8+.
  • Angular 1.5-ready. You can use AngularJS 1.3 and later, but as soon as you update to the new release, you can be confident that ngMaterial components will continue to work as expected. 
آنگولار متریال 1 منتشر شد
Webpack 5 منتشر شد

webpack is arguably the most popular bundler right now and this is the first major release in over two years. We get big improvements to caching (and therefore performance), reduced bundle sizes with better tree shaking, and a variety of breaking changes to prepare for the future (automatic Node polyfills are gone, for one). 

Webpack 5 منتشر شد
نسخه بتا گیت هاب برای اندروید به زودی منتشر می‌شود

There’s a lot you can do on GitHub that doesn’t require a complex development environment, like sharing feedback on a design discussion or reviewing a few lines of code. We’re making these tasks easier to complete while you’re on the go, with a fully-native experience. With GitHub for mobile, you have the flexibility to move work forward and stay in touch with your team, wherever you are 

نسخه بتا گیت هاب برای اندروید به زودی منتشر می‌شود
Reflector 10 منتشر شد

What's new in this release?

  • Full C#7.0 support
  • .NET Core support

For more information, please see the release notes.

Upgrading to .NET Reflector 10
.NET Reflector 10 is a major upgrade from .NET Reflector 9. If your current license includes a valid support and upgrades package for .NET Reflector 10, the same license serial number will automatically activate .NET Reflector 10.

If your v9.x license does not include support and upgrades, Reflector will upgrade to a 14-day trial of v10.0. 

Reflector 10 منتشر شد
Code::Blocks 20.03 منتشر شد

Finally, switch to wxWidgets 3.x, many improvements, new features, more stable, enhanced for HiDPI, the new Code::Blocks release 20.03 has arrived. Get it from the downloads section! A changelog summarises new features and fixes.

We provide binaries for the major platforms supported by Code::Blocks, with more to come in the next time. 

Code::Blocks 20.03 منتشر شد
2.Visual Studio 2019 RC منتشر شد

Top Issues Fixed in Visual Studio 2019 RC.2

2.Visual Studio 2019 RC منتشر شد