ویژوال استودیو را هک کنید!

Visual Studio, like any Integrated Development Environment, can host extensions for more specialist languages or development tasks. This sort of work is reasonably straightforward most of the time but occasionally you need functionality that isn't available in the APIs. Michal takes two examples, printing code in an editing window, and gaining access to the Visual Studio Notifications, and explains how to hack Visual Studio to get to the functionality.

ویژوال استودیو را هک کنید!
Visual Studio 2019 version 16.11.4 منتشر شد
حجم تقریبی آپدیت از نسخه قبلی (16.11.3) حدود 1.11G میشه.
  • Windows 11 SDK support.
  • Adds Xcode 13.0 support.
  • Add AMD64 math functions to ARM64X CRT.
  • Updates to the ARM64 and ARM64EC interfaces between the binary and the POGO instrumentation runtime.
  • Fixed several problems with IntelliSense responsiveness and correctness affecting C++20 concepts, ranges, and abbreviated function templates.
  • Fixed a false positive in local lifetime checks.
  • Corrected an issue where arrays allocated with a constant of size > 32bits could allocate less memory than requested.
  • Ensures that ATL string initialization occurs during static variable initialization, in the default AppDomain.
  • Fixed a bug in C++ Concurrency::parallel_for_each that was crashing the calling process due to integer overflow.
  • Fixed a bug in the STL's iterator debugging machinery that could cause crashes in multithreaded programs using STL containers.
  • We have fixed a fatal internal compiler error caused by unnamed structs whose fields are referenced from SAL annotations.
  • Fixes a rare crash when analyzing templated code that uses __uuidof.
  • Fixed an issue that caused C++ static analysis results to sometimes not display correctly in the FixIt action.
  • Fixed opening .uitest extension files in Coded UI project
  • Fire component change events for non-component objects also in WinForms .NET designer
  • Fix for crash on deleting ContextMenuStrip control in Windows Forms .NET designer.
  • Guard against crashes when the Windows Forms designer reloads when dragging.
  • Fix for intermittent VS crash while interacting with WinForms .NET designer during solution or project rebuild.
  • Fixed a bug causing .NET 5 projects to be reported as out of date when they should have been up to date, causing slower builds.
  • Automatically disable asset-indexing for large scale Unity projects.
  • This release fixes an issue with deploying certain Windows Application Packaging projects where deployment is unnecessarily copying unmodified files. 
Visual Studio 2019 version 16.11.4 منتشر شد
پروژه sql.js : استفاده از Sqlite در مرورگر و جاوااسکریپت

SQLite compiled to javascript

For the impatients, try the demo here: http://kripken.github.io/sql.js/examples/GUI  

sql.js is a port of SQLite to Webassembly, by compiling the SQLite C code with Emscripten. It uses a virtual database file stored in memory, and thus doesn't persist the changes made to the database. However, it allows you to import any existing sqlite file, and to export the created database as a javascript typed array 

پروژه sql.js : استفاده از Sqlite در مرورگر و جاوااسکریپت
انتشار Windows Forms Designer مخصوص NET Core.

We just released a GA version of .NET Core 3.0 that includes support for Windows Forms and WPF. And along with that release we’re happy to announce the first preview version of the Windows Forms Designer for .NET Core projects! 

انتشار Windows Forms Designer مخصوص NET Core.
استفاده از Docker با برنامه‌های دات نت

Docker lets you build and run apps, more quickly, with less hardware. That’s why application container technology (and Docker in particular) is so popular. You can run hundreds of containers on a server which could only run a handful of VMs, and containers are fast to deploy and can be versioned like the software they run. 

استفاده از Docker با برنامه‌های دات نت
نگاهی به آینده‌ی #C از زبان اعضای تیم آن
Mads Torgersen shares future thinking of a fast-moving major programming language, C#. He discusses pattern matching, type classes, discriminated unions and much more. This presentation was recorded at QCon San Francisco 2017. The next QCon is in London, March 5-7, 2018.
نگاهی به آینده‌ی #C از زبان اعضای تیم آن
استفاده از frameworkهای JavaScript از C#/UWP application
As a C# developer—even with a great, active C# community—you may sometimes find yourself a little bit jealous. What if we could bring the JavaScript language and ecosystem also into the C# world? What if a C# developer could use JavaScript inside C#? Fret not! I’m thrilled to announce a new WinRT project I’ve created—ChakraBridge— which will allow you to get invited to the party like any web developers.
استفاده از frameworkهای JavaScript از C#/UWP application
نگارش نهایی EF Core 3.0 و EF 6.3 منتشر شد

We are extremely excited to announce the general availability of EF Core 3.0and EF 6.3 on  nuget.org . 

What’s new in EF Core 3.0

Including major features, minor enhancements, and bug fixes, EF Core 3.0 contains more than 600 product improvements. Here are some of the most important ones:

  •  LINQ overhaul
  •  Restricted client evaluation
  •  Single SQL statement per LINQ query
  •  Cosmos DB support
  •  C# 8.0 support (Asynchronous streams, Nullable reference types)
  •  Interception of database operations
  •  Reverse engineering of database views
  •  Dependent entities sharing a table with principal are now optional
نگارش نهایی EF Core 3.0 و EF 6.3 منتشر شد
نظرات مطالب
طراحی یک گرید با Angular و ASP.NET Core - قسمت دوم - پیاده سازی سمت کلاینت
- این نوع سؤالات مرتبط به مطلب «مبانی TypeScript؛ اینترفیس‌ها» هستند.
- در روش اول، نوع شیء تعریف شده any است (نوعی ندارد). اگر پروژه بزرگ است و اگر هدف عیب‌یابی سریعتر است با TypeScript، در حالت استفاده از any، از مزایای اینترفیس تعریف شده استفاده نمی‌کنید. در این حالت TypeScript کمکی به شما نخواهد کرد.
- حالت دوم هم آنچنان مرسوم نیست در TypeScript. حالت مرسوم همان روش اول است که دقیقا نوع آن هم مشخص شده باشد.
بهترین کامپونت های سورس باز گانت چارت

A Gantt chart is mainly used in project management. It is a bar chart, designed by Henry Gantt, that shows a project schedule. Gantt chart illustrates elements contained in the work breakdown structure (WBS) of the project. Gantt charts usually show the start and finish dates of WBS elements and also show the dependency relationships between them. 

بهترین کامپونت های سورس باز گانت چارت