بررسی تازه‌های SQL Server 2022 برای توسعه‌ دهنده‌ها

.NET Data Community Standup - Azure SQL Database and SQL Server 2022: what’s new for developers
During this show we will discuss some of the new capabilities introduced on both SQL Server and our Azure services that have an impact on app development like:
T-SQL and IQP enhancements
Local Development Experience
JSON enhancements
DataAPI Builder
And more…


بررسی تازه‌های SQL Server 2022 برای توسعه‌ دهنده‌ها
پیاده سازی معماری میکروسرویس در دات نت

پیاده سازی معماری میکروسرویس در دات نت با استفاده از ابزار های

Ocelot For Api Getway

RabbitMQ For Message Broker

JWT Token For Authentication And Authorization

SQL Server And MongoDB For Databases

ASP Core Web Api For Our Rest Api And Swagger As Open API

Google RPC (GRPC) For Transfer Data Between Microservice

Docker For Run Database Services ( SQL Server , MongoDB ) And Message Broker ( RabbitMQ ) 

پیاده سازی معماری میکروسرویس در دات نت
تقویم Datepicker متن‌باز شمسی برای React
Supports Gregorian and Jalali calender
Uses context api to share data
Supports three types of calender: single day - date range - multiple dates
Fully customizable
Supports maximum and minimum dates
Capability to add a list of disabled dates
Supports time for single and range type
Capability to mark weekends
Function called for change, open and close events
Supports Typescript

تقویم Datepicker متن‌باز شمسی برای React
ویدئوی آموزشی Simplify & improve your C# 7 code in Visual Studio 2017

C# can be developed and run on more and more platforms, and thanks to the "Roslyn" language engine you can increasingly make your own tooling for it. C# 7 embraces several new features for working better with data, such as tuples and pattern matching. Come see how you can start using C# 7 today! 

ویدئوی آموزشی Simplify & improve your C# 7 code in Visual Studio 2017
پیکره بندی JSon در ASP.NET Core MVC

Structured data in earlier versions of ASP.NET meant creating and registering custom types and configuration sections for our applications. In ASP.NET Core and in Core MVC, structured configuration is a breeze with support for JSON documents as the storage mechanism and the ability to flatten hierarchies into highly portable keys.


پیکره بندی JSon در ASP.NET Core MVC
کتابخانه Gijgo
jQuery Grid by Gijgo.com is a plug-in for the jQuery Javascript library. It is a very fast and extandable tool, and will add advanced interaction controls to any HTML table. This plugin support pagination, javascript and server side data sources, jQuery UI and Bootstrap.  Demo
کتابخانه Gijgo
دوره 15 ساعته #C پیشرفته

Advanced C# Programming Course

⭐️ Contents ⭐️
⌨️ (0:00:00) Part 1 - Introduction
⌨️ (0:01:08) Part 2 - Overview of the Advanced C# Course
⌨️ (0:20:46) Part 3 - The Significants of the Release of .NET 5
⌨️ (0:33:17) Part 4 - Delegates - Introduction
⌨️ (0:47:47) Part 5 - Delegates - Create a Code Example
⌨️ (1:51:45) Part 6 - Delegates - Understanding Covariance and Contravariance
⌨️ (2:04:19) Part 7 - Delegates - Fund, Action and Predicate
⌨️ (2:24:26) Part 8 - Delegates - Asynchronous Method Calls
⌨️ (2:39:24) Part 9 - Events - Introduction
⌨️ (2:55:50) Part 10 - Events - Add/Remove Accessors
⌨️ (2:22:44) Part 11 - Events - User Actions & UWP
⌨️ (3:52:23) Part 12 - Events - The Observer Design Pattern
⌨️ (5:12:33) Part 13 - Generics - Introduction
⌨️ (5:27:30) Part 14 - Generics - Understanding Constraints
⌨️ (5:53:42) Part 15 - Generics - Generic Delegates and Events
⌨️ (6:34:56) Part 16 - Generics - The Factory Design Pattern
⌨️ (6:56:23) Part 17 - Async / Await Task - Introduction
⌨️ (7:35:36) Part 18 - Async / Await Task - Task.Run()
⌨️ (8:04:34) Part 19 - Async / Await Task - Best Practices
⌨️ (8:45:23) Part 20 - Async / Await Task - Cancelling Asynchronous Operations
⌨️ (9:13:47) Part 21 - LINQ - Introduction
⌨️ (9:50:14) Part 22 - LINQ - Queries
⌨️ (10:29:57) Part 23 - LINQ - Operators
⌨️ (11:16:51) Part 24 - LINQ - More Operators and Summary
⌨️ (12:18:46) Part 25 - C# Attributes
⌨️ (13:33:13) Part 26 - C# Reflection
⌨️ (14:34:53) Part 27 - .NET Framework and .NET Core
⌨️ (14:39:06) Part 28 - .NET 6
⌨️ (14:50:52) Part 29 - .NET 7 

دوره 15 ساعته #C پیشرفته
دوره 9 ساعته Clean Architecture + CQRS

Mini Course #1 Clean Architecture + CQRS - YouTube

00:00:00 - Intro
00:01:10 - Why do we record this course?
00:04:39 - Layered architecture: Why I don't like it anymore?
00:27:27 - Clean architecture
00:38:16 - Course prerequisites (still can't pronounce it correctly)
00:42:30 - What do we build?
00:45:18 - *Domain Layer*
00:49:57 - Entity
01:00:20 - Primitive obsession code smell
01:03:20 - Value Object
01:10:54 - Custom exceptions
01:33:25 - Domain model validation
01:38:55 - Aggregate
01:50:50 - Domain event
02:14:30 - Factory
02:28:50 - Policy
02:43:50 - Repository
02:48:55 - Domain Layer: Summary
02:56:45 - CQS: Command Query Separation
03:07:46 - CQRS: Command Query Responsibility Segregation
03:29:48 - *Application Layer*
03:30:25 - Command/Command Handler/Command Dispatcher definitions
03:40:45 - Automatic command handlers registration
03:44:12 - Application & Domain registration
03:50:52 - Command
03:55:31 - Command Handler
04:01:11 - Where to put methods related to reading?
04:07:00 - Read Service
04:14:14 - Weather Service
04:28:25 - Overview of the other commands & command handlers
04:34:35 - Query/Query Handler/Query Dispatcher definitions
04:44:37 - Automatic query handlers registration (BONUS: example of copy/paste pattern)
04:52:50 - How to tackle reading on Query side?
05:06:30 - *Infrastructure Layer*
05:07:56 - Configuration of Entity Framework Core
05:15:15 - Read Models
05:19:05 - ReadDbContext & WriteDbContext
05:24:13 - EF Entity Configuration
05:42:37 - DbContexts registration
05:55:51 - Query Handlers
06:12:18 - Repository implementation on top of EF Core
06:16:45 - Read Service implementation on top of EF Core
06:19:00 - Dummy Weather Service implementation
06:23:20 - EF Migration
06:29:50 - Applying EF migrations automatically
06:39:38 - *Presentation Layer*
06:41:35 - Controller
06:50:43 - How to return ID of resource in CQRS approach?
07:00:02 - Testing API
07:09:29 - *Cross Cutting Concerns*
07:09:30 - Error Handling
07:20:49 - Logging
07:34:57 - *Unit Testing*
07:42:34 - Unit Test on Domain Layer
08:09:45 - Unit Test on Application Layer
08:34:00 - Summary 

دوره 9 ساعته Clean Architecture + CQRS
D3 6.0 منتشر شد

D3 6.0: The Data-Driven Document Library — The popular data visualization library takes a step forward by switching out a few internal dependencies for better alternatives, adopts ES2015 (a.k.a. ES6) internally, and now passes events directly to listeners. There’s also a 5.x to 6.0 migration guide for existing users. 

D3 6.0 منتشر شد
Records v2؛ پیشنهادی برای C# 9x

In the past we've thought about records as a feature to enable working with data. "Working with data" is a big group with a number of facets, so it may be interesting to look at each in isolation. Let's start by looking at an example of records today and some of its drawbacks. 

Records v2؛ پیشنهادی برای C# 9x