سایت Learn Entity Framework Core

Entity Framework Core (EF Core) is the latest version of Microsoft's recommended data access technology for applications based on the .NET Core framework. It has been designed to be lightweight, extensible and to support cross platform development. 

سایت Learn Entity Framework Core
نظرات مطالب
صفحه بندی، مرتب سازی و جستجوی پویای اطلاعات به کمک Kendo UI Grid
  var gridDataSource = $("#grid").data("kendoGrid").dataSource;    
  var gridListFilter = { filters: [] };
  gridListFilter.logic = "and";
  gridListFilter.filters.push({ field: "Prices", operator: "lte", value: maxVal });
تا جایی که در ذهن دارم متد filter خواندن داده‌ها روهم انجام میده و نیازی به خط آخر نیست ، ولی بازم تست کنید .
چگونه در پروژه‌های سورس باز مشارکت کنیم؟

Complete Guide to Open Source - How to Contribute 
⭐️ Course Contents ⭐️
⌨️ (00:00) Introduction
⌨️ (01:11) What is Open Source
⌨️ (01:46) Why you should care about Open Source
⌨️ (04:06) What is Git
⌨️ (04:56) What is GitHub
⌨️ (05:24) Example custom GitHub profile
⌨️ (06:01) GitHub features
⌨️ (13:37) GitHub Actions for Continuous Integration (CI)
⌨️ (14:49) Insights tab for more project information
⌨️ (15:04) GitHub Discussions for threaded conversations
⌨️ (15:41) GitHub Projects board like Trello
⌨️ (16:10) GitHub Wiki
⌨️ (17:15) How to find Open Source projects
⌨️ (19:40) How to write Markdown
⌨️ (27:58) Draft a Pull Request (PR)
⌨️ (29:06) Make money directly with GitHub Sponsors
⌨️ (30:15) Make money indirectly from Open Source
⌨️ (32:19) freeCodeCamp.org Open Source resources
⌨️ (34:04) Everyone is a Project Maintainer
⌨️ (39:49) How to customize your GitHub profile
⌨️ (40:46) Conclusion 

چگونه در پروژه‌های سورس باز مشارکت کنیم؟
آموزش توسعه یک بلاگ با Blazor Server

Build a Complete Blog App with Blazor Server - Step-by-Step Tutorial from Scratch by Abhay Prince

You will learn about fundamentals of Blazor Server, Routing, Shared Reusable Components, Custom Authentication, EF Core Code First, Passing data from parent to child components and vice versa, Passing events from child to parent components, Forms validations and submissions, styling components, using javascript with blazor. third party components integration with blazor, blazor lifecycle events, authentication and authorization in blazor server, programtically navigating between component pages, multiple routes paths for single component page, dynamic routes and getting data from routes, authorized view and much more... 

آموزش توسعه یک بلاگ با Blazor Server
کتاب رایگان HBase Succinctly

Use HBase to improve your control of big data. In HBase Succinctly, author Elton Stoneman will detail what makes HBase different from other databases and teach you about its signature features. With this knowledge, you will be able to jump into big data management.

Table of Contents
  1. Introducing HBase
  2. Hbase and the HBase Shell
  3. HBase Table Design
  4. Connecting with the Java API
  5. Connecting with Python and Thrift
  6. Connecting with .NET and Stargate
  7. The Architecture of HBase
  8. Inside the Region Server
  9. Monitoring and Administering HBase
کتاب رایگان HBase Succinctly
بازه‌ها و الگوهای بازگشتی در C# 8
  • C# 8 Adds Ranges and Recursive Patterns
  • Ranges easily define a sequence of data, replacing the Enumberable.Range()
  • Recursive Patterns brings an F#-like construct to C#
  • Recursive Patterns is an awesome feature, it giving you the flexibility to testing the data against a sequence of conditions and performing further computations based on the condition met.
  • Ranges is very useful to generate sequences of numbers in the form of a collection or a list. 
بازه‌ها و الگوهای بازگشتی در C# 8
پشتیبانی SQL Server 2017 از بانک های گراف محور

Graph extensions in SQL Server 2017 will facilitate users in linking different pieces of connected data to help gather powerful insights and increase operational agility. Graphs are well suited for applications where relationships are important, such as fraud detection, risk management, social networks, recommendation engines, predictive analysis, dependence analysis, and IoT applications. In this session we will demonstrate how you can use SQL Graph extensions to build your application using graph data. 

پشتیبانی SQL Server 2017 از بانک های گراف محور