Visual Studio 2019 version 16.6.0 منتشر شد

Top Issues Fixed in Visual Studio 2019 version 16.6.0

  • When New Git experience feature flag is enabled, a message will appear in Team Explorer guiding users to the new Git tool window.
  • Fix for intermittent UI delay while closing VS when WinForms .NET Core designer is in open state.
  • Fixed issues creating projects using type providers, throwing missing method exception at runtime.
  • Fixed project creation for .NET framework projects.
  • New find in files experience respects options in Tools-Options-Find and Replace pane.
  • Fixed a bug where Git repository does not change when closing a Folder and opening a Solution.
  • Fixed bug when building iOS app using full debug symbols.
  • Added back browing of Mac Distribution provisioning profiles and certificates from Windows.
  • Fixed a bug causing Visual Studio 2019 to stop responding when working with Xamarin projects on certain scenarios.
  • Added keyboard shortcut for "Copy with Headers" option in SQL Script Results Grid
  • SSDT users will now be able to set and view sensitivity properties for all version above SQL Server 2008
  • Improve Connection Properties dialog for accessibility users.
  • Fixed occasional crashes when using Tested By Code Lens indicator.
  • Ensure auto population of text in Find in files is as per legacy behavior.
  • Ensure left arrow key behavior in find in files is correct.
  • An issue blocking C++ users of the C++20 Ranges library from using algorithms. 
Visual Studio 2019 version 16.6.0 منتشر شد
دوره کوتاه معماری نرم افزار مایکروسافت

When a business manager invests in new or modified software, he or she expects business results from that investment. Sadly, more often than not, they don't get that. They may get a technically brilliant system, but if that system's architecture isn't based on the architecture of the business, or on business goals and strategy – then it's still a failure. 

دوره کوتاه معماری نرم افزار مایکروسافت
نظرات مطالب
Implementing second level caching in EF code first
سلام مجدد.
من توی زمان Stop کردن Stopwatch اشتباه داشتم، زمان query گرفتن زیاد نیست و کاملا قابل صرف نظره و بنابراین نیازی به caching ندارم، بیشترین زمان رو render به خودش اختصاص داده متاسفانه و کار زیادی نمیشه کرد.
نظرات مطالب
سرریز اعداد و checked در #C
روش دیگر کامپایل کردن کد با پارامتر زیر است
در کل کارآیی این روش حدود سه بار کندتر است از روش معمولی بدون checked و اگر مشکل یافت شده بهتر است از بازه صحیح اعداد استفاده شود.

پروژه ApiBoilerPlate برای ساخت پروژه های ASP.NET Core APIs

A simple yet organized project template for building ASP.NET Core APIs in .NET Core 3.1

Tools and Frameworks Used

  • .NET Core 3.1
  • ASP.NET Core - For building RESTful APIs
  • Dapper - For data access.
  • AutoMapper - For mapping entity models to DTOs.
  • AutoWrapper - For handling request Exceptions and consistent HTTP response format.
  • AutoWrapper.Server - For unwrapping the Result attribute from AutoWrapper's ApiResponse output.
  • Swashbuckle.AspNetCore - For securing API documentation.
  • FluentValidation.AspNetCore - For Model validations
  • Serilog.AspNetCore - For logging capabilities
  • IdentityServer4.AccessTokenValidation - For JWT Authentication handling
  • Microsoft.Extensions.Http.Polly - For handling HttpClient Resilience and Transient fault-handling
  • AspNetCoreRateLimit - For controlling the rate of requests that clients can make to an external API based on IP address or client ID.
  • AspNetCore.Diagnostics.HealthChecks - For performing health checks
  • Microsoft.AspNetCore.Diagnostics.HealthChecks - For getting the results of Health Checks in the application
  • AspNetCore.HealthChecks.UI - For Health Status visualization
  • xUnit and Moq - For unit testing.  

پروژه ApiBoilerPlate برای ساخت پروژه های ASP.NET Core APIs
بررسی جامع DOM

You can imagine an HTML document as a nested set of boxes 

بررسی جامع DOM