بررسی بهبودهای کارآیی در ASP.NET Core 8

ASP.NET Core 8 and .NET 8 bring many exciting performance improvements. In this blog post, we will highlight some of the enhancements made in ASP.NET Core and show you how they can boost your web app’s speed and efficiency.  

بررسی بهبودهای کارآیی در ASP.NET Core 8
هزینه واقعی توسعه UI در دات نت
The purpose of these experiments is to show that everything has a cost
If you use C#/XAML the cost is performance but you gain a vast amount of capability out of the box
If you use C++/DirectX the cost is increased effort and development time but you gain the best performance and so forth  
هزینه واقعی توسعه UI در دات نت
امکانات جدید GIT 2.7

A quick two months after 2.6, Git 2.7 has been released with a plethora of features, fixes and performance improvements. Here's some of the new stuff we found interesting on the Bitbucket team. 

امکانات جدید GIT 2.7
Rust 1.68.1 منتشر شد

If you have a previous version of Rust installed via rustup, you can get 1.68.1 with:

 rustup update stable   
Rust 1.68.1 منتشر شد