کتابخانه WebApiThrottle

ASP.NET Web API Throttling handler, OWIN middleware and filter are designed to control the rate of requests that clients can make to a Web API based on IP address, client API key and request route.

public static void Register( HttpConfiguration config )
    config.MessageHandlers.Add( new ThrottlingHandler
                                    Policy = new ThrottlePolicy( perSecond: 1,
                                                                    perMinute: 20,
                                                                    perHour: 200,
                                                                    perDay: 1500,
                                                                    perWeek: 3000 )
                                                    IpThrottling = true
                                    Repository = new CacheRepository()
                                } );
کتابخانه WebApiThrottle
برنامه نویسی GPU درون مرورگرها به کمک turbo.js

turbo.js is a small library that makes it easier to perform complex calculations that can be done in parallel. The actual calculation performed (the kernel executed) uses the GPU for execution. This enables you to work on an array of values all at once.

turbo.js is compatible with all browsers (even IE when not using ES6 template strings) and most desktop and mobile GPUs. 

برنامه نویسی GPU درون مرورگرها به کمک turbo.js
مجموعه از کتاب های انتشارات oreilly که بصورت رایگان در اختیار کاربران قرار گرفته

The Web grows every day. Tools, approaches, and styles change constantly, and keeping up is a challenge. We've compiled the best insights from subject matter experts for you in one place, so you can dive deep into the latest of what's happening in web development.

مجموعه از کتاب های انتشارات oreilly که بصورت رایگان در اختیار کاربران قرار گرفته
تزریق وابستگی (DI) در ASP.NET Core

I’ve been building some ASP.NET Core apps as of late and had to dig into how Dependency Injection works there. After talking with Julie Lerman a bit on Twitter about it, I realized that there might be some confusing things about how it works in ASP.NET Core, so I’m hoping I can add some clarity in this post. 

تزریق وابستگی (DI) در ASP.NET Core
لیست جلسات کنفرانس Build 2016

Microsoft continues to focus on enabling developers to do amazing work as businesses and industries transform in support of the shift to a cloud-first, mobile-first world. At Build 2016 we will present the latest tools and technologies and how they can help today's developers be their most creative and productive.  

لیست جلسات کنفرانس Build 2016
نگاهی به Docker ها در ویندوز سرور 2016
With the release of Technical Preview 3 (TP3) for Windows Server 2016, Microsoft for the first time have enabled native Containers under the Windows platform. Integrated with this is the Docker support for Windows Server, meaning you can run Docker containers in a Windows environment 
نگاهی به Docker ها در ویندوز سرور 2016
کتابخانه contextjs
  • Linted: Valid JS
  • Can be used with or without Twitters Bootstrap.css
  • Event Based Links
  • Anchor Links
  • Headers
  • Dividers
  • Recursive Menus (infinite depth)
  • Vertical Space Detection (turns into a "dropup")
  • Horizontal Space Detection (Drops to the left instead of right)
  • Add/Delete menus Dynamically
  • Even works on Inline Links
کتابخانه contextjs
انتشار Windows 10 SDK

Well perhaps the first thing to say is that Windows Desktop apps will still work on Windows 10 without any changes. You can even make use of the new Window 10 APIs in a Win32 application and there are improvements in .NET 4.6. Even WPF receives some attention

انتشار Windows 10 SDK
برای یادگرفتن بهتر مطلبی، سعی کنید آن‌را به دیگران بیاموزید
When you try to teach something to someone else, you have to go through this process in your own mind. You have to take that mess of data, sort it out, repackage it and organize it in a way that someone else can understand. This process forces you to reorganize the way that data is stored in your own head 
برای یادگرفتن بهتر مطلبی، سعی کنید آن‌را به دیگران بیاموزید
نظرات مطالب
React 16x - قسمت 8 - ترکیب کامپوننت‌ها - بخش 2 - مدیریت state
با سلام؛ تا قبل بحث افزودن navbar با این خطا مواجه میشم. نمی‌دونم ایرادش کجاست:
Error: Maximum update depth exceeded. This can happen when a component repeatedly calls setState inside componentWillUpdate or componentDidUpdate. 
React limits the number of nested updates to prevent infinite loops.  

  35 |   counters[index] = { ...counter }; // cloning an object
  36 |   counters[index].value++;
  37 |   console.log("this.state.counters", this.state.counters[index]);
> 38 |   this.setState({ counters });
     | ^  39 | };
  40 | 
  41 | render() {