Rider 2018.3.1 منتشر شد
200, OK
https://blog.jetbrains.com/dotnet/2018/12/27/rider-2018-3-1-bug-fix-update/ icon

Rider 2018.3.1 comes with fixes for:

Several issues in the debugger: RIDER-23087, RIDER-22932, RIDER-22770, RIDER-22887, and RIDER-22873.
Broken NuGet window after searching for “mongo” text (RIDER-22927).
Endless “Retrieving properties…” progress bar for Project Properties (RIDER-22924).
Inability to activate the dotTrace plugin via the License Server (RIDER-22876).
The “Failed to get the list of simulators” error on getting a list of iOS simulators (RIDER-22878).
The issue where a .jar setting file couldn’t be imported to Rider 2018.3 (RIDER-22823).
The misplaced position of inline parameter name hints (RIDER-22452).

Rider 2018.3.1 منتشر شد
خلاصه‌ای از به روز رسانی‌های C#, .NET, and Visual Studio در سال 2018
301, MovedPermanently
https://www.calvinallen.net/csharp-net-and-visual-studio-2018-year-in-review/ icon

We received tons of updates from Microsoft all across the board - from new experimental frameworks (Blazor) to quick iterations of the “Core Suite” (.NET, EF, and ASP.NET) and Visual Studio. 

خلاصه‌ای از به روز رسانی‌های C#, .NET, and Visual Studio در سال 2018