v1.16.2 افزونه‌ی #C در Visual Studio Code منتشر شد
301, MovedPermanently
https://github.com/OmniSharp/omnisharp-vscode/releases/tag/v1.16.2 icon
  • Update extension to handle upcoming breaking change to launch.json configurations in VS Code 1.28.
  • Fixed launch.json envFile option on Windows
  • Fixed a bug where OmniSharp flame was red inspite of OmniSharp loading the projects without any errors.
  • Fixed a problem with tracking virtual documents from other providers
v1.16.2 افزونه‌ی #C در Visual Studio Code منتشر شد
بررسی مباحث مرتبط با Versioning اسمبلی ها در پروژه های ‏‎.NET Core
200, OK
https://andrewlock.net/version-vs-versionsuffix-vs-packageversion-what-do-they-all-mean/ icon

In this post I look at the various different version numbers you can set for a .NET Core project, such as Version, VersionSuffix, and PackageVersion. For each one I'll describe the format it can take, provide some examples, and what it's for. 

بررسی مباحث مرتبط با Versioning اسمبلی ها در پروژه های ‏‎.NET Core