ساخت یک Microservice با NET 5.
200, OK
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MIJJCR3ndQQ icon

This video shows how to create a microservice from scratch using .NET 5. You will learn:
• How to create a .NET 5 microservice from scratch
• Build and debug a .NET 5 project in VS Code
• Interact with your microservice endpoints via Open API and Postman
• Keep configuration and secrets separate from your service code
• Simplify http requests to external endpoints
• Deal with transient errors on external services
• Report the health of the service and its dependencies
• Produce logs suited for a microservice environment 

ساخت یک Microservice با NET 5.
خبرنامه هفتگی ASP.NET Core News
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https://aspnetcore.news/ icon

ASP.NET Core News is the only weekly newsletter dedicated to ASP.NET Core. Whether you build Razor Pages, MVC applications, Web APIs, SignalR awesomeness, or anything else available on the ASP.NET Core platform, we've got you covered. Every Friday you will receive a weekly digest of the most interesting posts and articles from the last seven days.  

خبرنامه هفتگی ASP.NET Core News
آشنایی با FluentValidation
303, SeeOther
https://youtu.be/ePrWPblO-H4 icon

Webinar agenda:

0:00 – Introduction
0:55 – OSS in the .NET Community
3:00 – Welcome, Jeremy and FluentValidation
6:17 – OSS Power-Ups
8:11 – Rider plugin for FluentValidation
9:07 – Introduction to FluentValidation
13:36 – Custom validation messages and placeholders
18:33 – Cross-property validation
21:17 – Nested and compositional validation
25:57 – Validator extensions
31:40 – Unit testing validators
51:25 – ASP.NET Core integration
1:03:35 – Synchronous and asynchronous validation
1:07:33 – Q&A and wrap-up

آشنایی با FluentValidation
راهنمای قدم به قدم Bundling و Minification در ASP.NET Core
200, OK
https://www.ezzylearning.net/tutorial/a-step-by-step-guide-to-bundling-and-minification-in-asp-net-core icon

To improve the initial page request load time, we normally apply two performance techniques called bundling and minification. In this tutorial, I will give you a step by step overview of different tools and techniques we can use to apply bundling and minification in ASP.NET Core 5 applications. 

راهنمای قدم به قدم Bundling و Minification در ASP.NET Core
برقراری امنیت برای سرویس های عمومی
200, OK
https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/blogs/asp-net-core-how-to-secure-public-apis2 icon

مقاله پیش رو چالشی است برای برقراری امنیت در سرویس‌های عمومی برای جلوگیری  از صدا زدن این سرویس‌ها در سایت‌های دیگر و یا خزنده‌ها و جلوگیری از حملات DoS

برقراری امنیت برای سرویس های عمومی