از پیاده سازی Repository Pattern با یک ORM پرهیز کنید!
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https://codeopinion.com/avoiding-the-repository-pattern-with-an-orm/ icon

For many years now I’ve advocated not using the repository pattern on top of an ORM such as Entity Framework. There are many reasons why that I’ll try and cover throughout this post based on ways that I’ve seen it implemented. Meaning, this post is talking about poorly implemented approaches or pitfalls that I’ve seen. 

از پیاده سازی Repository Pattern با یک ORM پرهیز کنید!
IQueryable و طراحی‌های نشتی‌دار
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https://blog.ploeh.dk/2012/03/26/IQueryableTisTightCoupling/ icon
public interface IRepository
    IQueryable<T> Query<T>();
Programmers who define such interfaces invariably have a specific ORM in mind, and they implicitly tend to stay within the bounds they know are safe for that specific ORM. This is a leaky abstraction .  
IQueryable و طراحی‌های نشتی‌دار