Entity Framework 6.2 منتشر شد
301, MovedPermanently
https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/dotnet/2017/10/26/entity-framework-6-2-runtime-released/ icon

- Reduce start up time by loading finished code first models from a persistent cache
- Fluent API to define indexes
- DbFunctions.Like() to enable writing LINQ queries that translate to LIKE in SQL
- Migrate.exe should support -script option
- EF6 does not work with primary key from sequence
- Update error numbers for SQL Azure Execution Strategy
- Bug: Retrying queries or SQL commands fails with “The SqlParameter is already contained by another SqlParameterCollection”
- Bug: Evaluation of DbQuery.ToString() frequently times out in the debugger

Entity Framework 6.2 منتشر شد
من عاشق Entity Framework هستم ‍!
301, MovedPermanently
http://www.scarydba.com/2017/07/05/love-entity-framework/ icon

I love Entity Framework. I also like (not love) nHibernate. That’s right, as a DBA and data professional, I’m telling you I love Object/Relational Mapping tools (ORM). I think this is a technology set that the DBA needs to more tightly embrace. Let me tell you why. 

من عاشق Entity Framework هستم ‍!