ساخت دیتابیس SqlServer بر روی Memory به جای Hard Disk
200, OK
https://github.com/mjebrahimi/SqlInMemory icon

SqlInMemory is a library for creating SqlServer database on Memory instead of hard disk, at last Drops and Disposes database when you're done with it.

 This is useful for Integration Testing. 

ساخت دیتابیس SqlServer بر روی Memory به جای Hard Disk
مقایسه Redis با Aerospike
307, RedirectKeepVerb
https://tech.travelaudience.com/aerospike-vs-redis-da49ee50d4b8?gi=4fe8ab4e56bf icon

Aerospike  یک دیتابیس فوق سریع (flash-optimized in-memory)  مخصوص Caching است که چندین برابر از Redis سریعتر بوده و قابلیت Scaling بیشتری دارد.

Aerospike : 430.000 writes/sec and 480.000 reads/sec

Redis: 130.000 writes/sec and 133.000 reads/sec

مقایسه Redis با Aerospike
استفاده از بانک اطلاعاتی in-memory جهت نوشتن آزمون واحد
301, MovedPermanently
http://gunnarpeipman.com/2017/04/aspnet-core-ef-inmemory/ icon
ASP.NET Core applications can be tested with different testing frameworks and Entity Framework Core makes testing specially easy by removing different technical problems from our way by using in-memory data provider. This blog posts shows how to unit test controllers that use data from Entity Framework Core. 
استفاده از بانک اطلاعاتی in-memory جهت نوشتن آزمون واحد