کارآیی NET Core. بسیار نزدیک به کارآیی QT است
200, OK
https://medium.com/geospatial-intelligence/geoint-app-using-web-maps-as-the-spatial-ground-truth-c8e716e87af8 icon

We decided to use Qt for our next Geospatial Intelligence Desktop App, but the .NET Core performance was close to Qt and both easily outperformed the JavaFX prototype. So, we are going to use .NET Core for our Geospatial Intelligence Services backend. 

کارآیی NET Core. بسیار نزدیک به کارآیی QT است
Skype جدید بجای QT بر پایه Electron تهیه شده‌است
301, MovedPermanently
https://winaero.com/blog/skype-4-3-linux-dead/ icon

For Linux users, Microsoft offers a new Skype app, which is a web app bundled with its own Electron engine. For those of you not familiar with Electron, it is a framework for creating GUI apps which uses Node.js on the backend and Chromium as the frontend. 

Skype جدید بجای QT بر پایه Electron تهیه شده‌است