چرا از آنگولار به ری اکت + ری داکس سوئیچ کردم!
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https://hackernoon.com/why-im-switching-from-angular-to-react-and-redux-in-2018-cb48be00fda7?gi=3928a61f8839 icon

 It’s a library. And therefore you can attach any javascript library of your choice as add-ons

State Management is more flexible

JSX syntax blends well together with javascript

Faster learning curve

Modern Web Development is challenging and the way we develop web apps are now different than before

You can reuse components effortlessly because they’re all just pure functions

چرا از آنگولار به ری اکت + ری داکس سوئیچ کردم!
مقایسه Angular vs. React vs. Vue
301, MovedPermanently
https://medium.com/unicorn-supplies/angular-vs-react-vs-vue-a-2017-comparison-c5c52d620176 icon

If you love TypeScript: Angular or React

If you love object-orientated-programming (OOP): Angular

If you need guidance, structure and a helping hand: Angular

If you like flexibility: React

If you love big ecosystems: React

If you like choosing among dozens of packages: React

If you love JS & the “everything-is-Javascript-approach”: React

If you like really clean code: Vue

If you want the easiest learning curve: Vue

If you want the most lightweight framework: Vue

If you want separation of concerns in one file: Vue

If you are working alone or have a small team: Vue or React

If your app tends to get really large: Angular or React

If you want to build an app with react-native: React

If you want to have a lot of developers in the pool: Angular or React

If you work with designers and need clean HTML files: Angular or Vue

If you like Vue but are afraid of the limited ecosystem: React

If you can’t decide, first learn React, then Vue, then Angular 

مقایسه Angular vs. React vs. Vue
مقایسه React و Angular 4
301, MovedPermanently
https://medium.com/frontend-fun/angular-4-vs-react-9a8559f20872 icon

When you start working on a new web application you will probably need to analyze different tools to deal with the different functionalities that you have to work on. As soon as you start searching for alternatives you are going to run across Angular and React, they are without any doubt two of the major options to consider, at least till today.

مقایسه React و Angular 4