کتابخانه canvasjs
301, MovedPermanently
http://canvasjs.com icon
An easy to use HTML5 JavaScript Charting library built on Canvas element. Charts can render across devices including iPhone, iPad, Android, Windows Phone, Desktops, etc. This allows you to create rich dashboards that can work across devices without compromising on maintainability or functionality of your web application. Graphs include several good looking themes and are 10x faster than conventional Flash / SVG based Libraries – resulting in lightweight, beautiful and responsive dashboards.
کتابخانه canvasjs
کتابخانه osm
200, OK
http://illusiana.net/osm/ icon
It as a full-screen off-screen menu on (a)steroids.
It is an HTML5/Css3 responsive solution for using (and making) animated large off-screen menus. It uses CSS transitions that are hardware accellerated and much faster then jQuey animations.
It comes packed with presets (20 responsive presets and 30 presets for the editor), included Visual Editor and it is compatible with all modern desktop (HTML5) and mobile browsers (Android and iOS).
کتابخانه osm
کتابخانه animated_alert
200, OK
http://stas-melnikov.ru/animated_alert/ icon
Animated alerts are the jQuery plugin based on css3 animation. Using it you can effectively communicate to users the right information. There are 68 animations, multiple color themes and types of messages and detailed documentation. Also you can develop your own themes, because of the efficient organization of the code. The plugin works in all modern browsers and on all devices. 
کتابخانه animated_alert