وقتی هرچی که میدونی اشتباهه - قسمت دوم
301, MovedPermanently
http://ericlippert.com/2015/05/21/when-everything-you-know-is-wrong-part-two/ icon
Finalizers are interesting and dangerous because they are an environment in which everything you know is wrong. I’ve written a lot about the perils of C# finalizers / destructors (either name is fine) over the years, but it’s scattered in little bits over the internet. In this series I’m going to try to get everything in one place; here are a bunch of things that many people believe about finalizers, all of which are wrong.
وقتی هرچی که میدونی اشتباهه - قسمت دوم
وقتی هرچی که میدونی اشتباهه - قسمت اول
301, MovedPermanently
http://ericlippert.com/2015/05/18/when-everything-you-know-is-wrong-part-one/ icon
Finalizers are interesting and dangerous because they are an environment in which everything you know is wrong. I’ve written a lot about the perils of C# finalizers / destructors (either name is fine) over the years, but it’s scattered in little bits over the internet. In this series I’m going to try to get everything in one place; here are a bunch of things that many people believe about finalizers, all of which are wrong.
وقتی هرچی که میدونی اشتباهه - قسمت اول
کتابخانه instafetch
200, OK
https://github.com/d4nyll/instafetch icon
instafetch fetches media from Instagram based on (and only on) the user and/or tag, relying on the Instagram API.

If you use the Instagram API to make a call, you will only get 33 results back, no matter what you specify in the count paramter. Instafetch will help you fetch more media than the limit imposes, in exchange for more API calls, which can count against your hourly limit.  Demo
کتابخانه instafetch