عصر Portable .Net
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http://developer.telerik.com/featured/the-era-of-portable-net/ icon

The new .NET framework is modern, lean, modular and open source. No longer is .NET a system-wide installation – it is merely a folder. Instead of a huge underlying framework, you only pick and choose the pieces of the .NET framework that you need in your apps. And more importantly, you can package the required components of the .NET framework right alongside your app. We’re entering an age of app-runtime silos and ultimate portability. 

عصر Portable .Net
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    ‫۸ سال و ۹ ماه قبل، جمعه ۲۷ آذر ۱۳۹۴، ساعت ۱۳:۲۶
    And there you have it – an ASP.NET web app built on Windows, running seamlessly on a Mac off of a USB folder. How mind-blowing is that