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تغییر مجوز استفاده‌ی از Redis
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https://techcrunch.com/2024/03/21/redis-switches-licenses-acquires-speedb-to-go-beyond-its-core-in-memory-database/?guccounter=1 icon

Redis, the popular in-memory data store, is switching away from the open source three-clause BSD license. Instead, in a move that is clearly aimed to prevent the large cloud providers from offering free alternatives to Redis’ own hosted services, Redis will now be dual-licensed under the Redis Source Available License (RSALv2) and Server Side Public License (SSPLv1). Under this new license, cloud service providers hosting Redis will need to enter into a commercial agreement with Redis. The first company to do so is Microsoft.

تغییر مجوز استفاده‌ی از Redis
هنوز هم مطالعه‌ی محتوای نوشتاری در بین توسعه‌دهند‌ه‌ها، نسبت به سایر روش‌های آموزشی، مرسوم‌تر است
200, OK
https://stackoverflow.blog/2024/07/24/developers-want-more-more-more-the-2024-results-from-stack-overflow-s-annual-developer-survey/ icon

Developers who are new to coding or still learning can take a tip from those who know: if they aren’t using Stack Overflow, 84% of developers are using technical documentation to learn. Of those using technical documentation, 90% use the documentation found in API and SDK packages.

هنوز هم مطالعه‌ی محتوای نوشتاری در بین توسعه‌دهند‌ه‌ها، نسبت به سایر روش‌های آموزشی، مرسوم‌تر است
روش‌های مختلف تولید اعداد تصادفی در جاوا‌اسکریپت چقدر با هم متفاوتند؟
200, OK
https://www.bennadel.com/blog/4669-exploring-randomness-in-javascript.htm icon

Looking at these side-by-side randomly generated visualizations, neither of them seem substantively different from a distribution perspective. All to say, when generating a random color palette, there probably wasn't any need for me to use the Crypto module—I probably should have just stuck with Math. It's much faster and feels to be just as random. I'll leave the Crypto stuff to any client-side cryptography work (which I've never had to do).

روش‌های مختلف تولید اعداد تصادفی در جاوا‌اسکریپت چقدر با هم متفاوتند؟