نظرات مطالب
Eazfuscator 2.6 منتشر شد
مطابق فایل راهنمای همراه آن:
Eazfuscator.NET magically handles signing options of the project. In case of direct ILMerge usage, you have to supply it with signing key and options manually
به این معنا که مدیریت امضای دیجیتال را هم خودکار انجام می‌دهد
سفر به Angular بخش اول

In the eighteen years that I’ve been doing Web development, a lot has changed. We started out creating HTML pages to present static information to our users. We then used classic ASP to get database data and incorporate that into our pages. To use both of these technologies, we had to know a lot about HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Along came .NET and we started rendering everything on the server-side. We forgot a lot about HTML, CSS, and JavaScript as Web Forms wrapped up a lot of that for us. Web Forms’ architecture closely mimicked the way developers created desktop applications. This was great for helping developers move to the Web, but unfortunately hid a lot of the power of the Web, and also tended to be a little slow. 

سفر به Angular بخش اول
بهینه سازی عملکرد دانت پیچیده نیست

In this post, we introduced the idea that not all performance optimisations need to be complex to implement. In this example, we optimised the ToUrl method of the NEST library by conditionally avoiding executing code we know would cause allocations.  

بهینه سازی عملکرد دانت پیچیده نیست
بررسی جامع نگارش آزمایشی Azure DocumentDB

○ No sorting option, or a good paging story
○ SQL Injection, without any other alternative
○ Hard to deploy and to keep current with your codebase
○ Poor development story & no testing story
○ Poor client API
○ Lots of table scans
○ Limited queries and few optimization options
○ Single document transactions (from the client)
○ No cross collection transations at all
○ Very small document sizes allowed

بررسی جامع نگارش آزمایشی Azure DocumentDB
نظرات مطالب
NuGet 2.0 منتشر شد
درهر حالتی اگه شما بخواین نسخه ای از نوگت رو به روز رسانی بکنین یکسری خطاهایی ممکنه به وجود بیاد. البته ظاهرا این مشکل نوگت نیست (^ و ^) بلکه به یه ایرادهای خاص در Visual Studio Extension manager بر میگرده (^ و ^) : Hotfix و یا این مورد:

Attempting to install or uninstall results in the error "Cannot create a file when that file already exists.”
For some reason, Visual Studio extensions can get in a weird state where you've uninstalled the VSIX extension, but some files were left behind. To work around this issue:

1. Exit Visual Studio
2. Open the following folder (it might be on a different drive on your machine)
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\Extensions\Microsoft Corporation\NuGet Package Manager\<version>\
3. Delete all the files with the .deleteme extensions.
4. Re-open Visual Studio
After following these steps, you should be able to continue.

نظرات اشتراک‌ها
نگارش بعدی ASP.NET Core از Full .NET Framework پشتیبانی نمی‌کند
منظور من اجرای ASP.NET Core بر روی Full Dot Net Framework نیست. با توجه به پشتیبانی اضافه کردن Assembly‌های کامپایل شده برای Full Dot Net Framework بدون کامپایل مجدد در Dot Net Core 2 که شامل نزدیک به 70% از Nuget Package‌های موجود می‌شود ( حتی مواردی پیچیده چون Web API OData و NQuery )، می‌توان پروژه را روی Dot Net Core 2 پیش برد و در صورت لزوم Dll‌های Dot Net Full را ارجاع زد. نتیجه حتی از اجرای ASP.NET Core بر روی Full Dot Net Framework نیز بهتر است، بابت مزیت‌های ذاتی طراحی Dot Net Core
فقط کسانی که نیاز به استفاده از WCF یا .NET Remoting یا Com Interop دارند، تحت تاثیر این تصمیم قرار می‌گیرند.
Can reference existing .NET Framework libraries. The best thing is no recompile required, so this includes existing NuGet packages. Of course, this will only work if the consumed libraries use APIs that exist in .NET Standard. However, our extensive API surface results in 70% of all NuGet packages to be API compatible with .NET Standard 2.0. 
از این پس نگارش Core بیشترین به روز رسانی‌های NET. را دریافت خواهد کرد

"So you shouldn't feel pressured to move off .NET Framework, but just know that it's going to be much more highly targeted compatible fixes kind of going forward and we recommend that all new development that you start on .NET is on .NET Core if possible," 

از این پس نگارش Core بیشترین به روز رسانی‌های NET. را دریافت خواهد کرد
JSON Web Token چیست؟

JSON Web Token (JWT) is an open standard (RFC 7519) that defines a compact and self-contained way for securely transmitting information between parties as a JSON object. This information can be verified and trusted because it is digitally signed. JWTs can be signed using a secret (with HMAC algorithm) or a public/private key pair using RSA. 

JSON Web Token چیست؟
استفاده از LINQ در JavaScript
One of the more awesome things I like about being a .NET developer is LINQ. LINQ (Language Integrated Query) is a fluent query interface implemented in the .NET framework. It helps you query, sort and order any type of collection. This is a very neat way of querying arrays, lists, dictionaries, objects, etc. I’ve made 5 examples which run out of the box with Node.js (or io.js). You can also use the library for browser based JavaScript projects.
استفاده از LINQ در JavaScript