قاعده 50/72

The first line of your commit message must be maximum 50 characters long. No more, and (ideally), no less. 

قاعده 50/72
افزونه NET MAUI Community Toolkit C# Markup Extensions

اگر علاقه ای به توسعه برنامه هایی که با Net MAUI. نوشته خواهند شد با استفاده از XAML ندارید به کمک این افزونه میتوانید همان دستورات را به زبان #C بنویسید.

using System;
using CommunityToolkit.Maui.Markup;
using Microsoft.Maui;
using Microsoft.Maui.Controls;
using Microsoft.Maui.Essentials;
using static CommunityToolkit.Maui.Markup.GridRowsColumns;

namespace HelloMauiMarkup;

class MainPage : ContentPge
    public MainPage()
        BindingContext = new MainViewModel();

        Content = new Grid
            RowSpacing = 25,
            ColumnSpacing = 0,

            Padding = Device.RuntimePlatform switch
                Device.iOS => new Thickness(30, 60, 30, 30),
                _ => new Thickness(30)

            RowDefinitions = Rows.Define(
                (Row.HelloWorld, 44),
                (Row.Welcome, Auto),
                (Row.Count, Auto),
                (Row.ClickMeButton, Auto),
                (Row.Image, Star)),

            ColumnDefinitions = Columns.Define(
            (Column.Text, Star),
                (Column.Number, Star)),

            Children =
                new Label { Text = "Hello World" }
.Font(size: 32)

                new Label { Text = "Welcome to .NET MAUI Markup Community Toolkit Sample" }
                    .Font(size: 18)

new Label { Text = "Current Count: " }
.Font(bold: true)

new Label()
                    .Font(bold: true)
                    .Bind<Label, int, string>(Label.TextProperty, nameof(MainViewModel.ClickCount), convert: count => count.ToString())

                new Button { Text = "Click Me" }
                .Font(bold: true)

                new Image { Source = "dotnet_bot.png", WidthRequest = 250, HeightRequest = 310 }

    enum Row { HelloWorld, Welcome, Count, ClickMeButton, Image }
    enum Column { Text, Number }

افزونه NET MAUI Community Toolkit C# Markup Extensions
عصر Portable .Net

The new .NET framework is modern, lean, modular and open source. No longer is .NET a system-wide installation – it is merely a folder. Instead of a huge underlying framework, you only pick and choose the pieces of the .NET framework that you need in your apps. And more importantly, you can package the required components of the .NET framework right alongside your app. We’re entering an age of app-runtime silos and ultimate portability. 

عصر Portable .Net
مروری بر SQL سورس کنترل

Why could there not be another tool that allowed a development team to harness their existing source control systems, but make database changes a part of the workflow? Enter SQL Source Control by Redgate. 

مروری بر SQL سورس کنترل
کتابخانه sir-trevor-js
  • No HTML is stored, only structured JSON and clean Markdown
  • Trivial to extend and create your own block types
  • Intuitive interface for creating rich content
  • Used on a national broadcast news site serving millions of users


کتابخانه sir-trevor-js
کتابخانه juliusjs
A speech recognition library for the web  Demo
  • Real-time transcription
    • Use the provided grammar, or write your own
  • 100% JavaScript implementation
    • All recognition is done in-browser through a Worker
    • Familiar event-inspired API
    • No external server calls
کتابخانه juliusjs