بررسی Visual Studio 2022 Preview 1

Visual Studio 2022 Preview 1 was released recently. While normally I hold off on talking about preview releases and other items that are going to change rapidly like .NET 6, I think it is important to know what VS2022 is all about so you know what to expect in the coming months. So in this video, we are going to see VS2022 in action, we will see what the new features are, and we will talk about what this means for VS2019. 

بررسی Visual Studio 2022 Preview 1
دوره کار با SQL Server توسط PowerShell

PowerShell For SQL Full Course
f you’re a SQL Data Pro, check out this demo-packed course to explore using PowerShell to manage SQL Server and Azure SQL Database. Hear about the background of PowerShell, and learn PowerShell basics, such as how to get help, use cmdlets, and load modules. Look at task automation and configuration, and learn how to provision, deploy, and manage SQL Server in Azure Virtual Machines and Azure SQL Database. Plus, see how to use the SQLPS module to administer SQL Server, both on-premises and in Azure Virtual Machines. Don’t miss this practical PowerShell training 

دوره کار با SQL Server توسط PowerShell
Bootstrap 5.1.1 منتشر شد

Bootstrap v5.1.1 has landed with a handful of bug fixes and documentation improvements. Following this release, we’ll be shipping another bugfix and docs update before moving onto additional new features. Keep reading for the highlights. 

Bootstrap 5.1.1 منتشر شد
مدیریت کار تیمی با SQL Server

پس از انتشار جزوه‌ی SVN در حدود دو سال قبل، ایمیل در این مورد زیاد داشتم. یکی از سؤالات هم این بود که: "چگونه از SVN جهت مدیریت نگارش‌های مختلف یک بانک اطلاعاتی اس کیوال سرور در یک تیم استفاده کنیم؟ (منظور مدیریت schema است)" و من هم پاسخ مناسبی برای این مورد نداشتم چون کلاینت‌های SVN حداقل با Management studio یکپارچه نمی‌شود (بر خلاف ابزارهای موجود برای VS.NET مانند VisualSVN ، AnkhSVN و غیره). صد البته می‌شود از آن همانند اعمال نگارش به یک فایل Text معمولی مانند فایل‌های SQL استفاده کرد، اما خوب ...

و خبر خوب اینکه شرکت معظم RedGate چند روز قبل یک کتاب رایگان را در این مورد منتشر کرده است:

سرفصل‌های این کتاب
Chapter 1: Writing Readable SQL
Chapter 2: Documenting your Database
Chapter 3: Change Management and Source Control
Chapter 4: Managing Deployments
Chapter 5: Testing Databases
Chapter 6: Reusing T-SQL Code
Chapter 7: Maintaining a Code Library
Chapter 8: Exploring your Database Schema
Chapter 9: Searching DDL and Build Scripts
Chapter 10: Automating CRUD
Chapter 11: SQL Refactoring


Visual Studio 2017 version 15.7.3 منتشر شد

These are the customer-reported issues addressed in 15.7.3:

Visual Studio 2017 version 15.7.3  منتشر شد
پروژه SimpleIdServer

SimpleIdServer is an open source framework enabling the support of OPENID, OAUTH2.0, SCIM2.0, UMA2.0, FAPI and CIBA. It streamlines development, configuration and deployment of custom access control servers. Thanks to its modularity and extensibility, SimpleIdServer can be customized to the specific needs of your organization for authentication, authorization and more. 

پروژه SimpleIdServer
لیست جلسات کنفرانس Build 2016

Microsoft continues to focus on enabling developers to do amazing work as businesses and industries transform in support of the shift to a cloud-first, mobile-first world. At Build 2016 we will present the latest tools and technologies and how they can help today's developers be their most creative and productive.  

لیست جلسات کنفرانس Build 2016
نظرات مطالب
RavenDB؛ تجربه متفاوت از پایگاه داده
توضیحات بیشتر در اینجا
By default RavenDB allow anonymous access only for read requests (HTTP GET), 
and since we creating data, we need to specify a username and password. 
You can control this by changing the AnonymousAccess setting in the server configuration file.
Enter your username and password of your Windows account and a sample data will be generated for you.