EF 7 نسخه بتا 8
Today we are making Entity Framework 7 Beta 8 available. EF7 will be the next major release of Entity Framework and is currently in pre-release.  
EF 7 نسخه بتا 8
دور کاری یا کار در محل شرکت
There isn't a simple dichotomy of remote versus co-located work, instead there are several patterns of distribution for teams each of which has different trade-offs and effective techniques suitable for them. 
دور کاری یا کار در محل شرکت
انتخاب .NET Core یا .NET Framework

There are two supported choices of runtime for building server-side applications with .NET: .NET Framework and .NET Core. Both share a lot of the same .NET platform components and you can share code across the two. However, there are fundamental differences between the two and your choice will depend on what you want to accomplish. This article provides guidance on when to use each. 

انتخاب .NET Core  یا  .NET Framework
چگونه در dotNET Core از Performance Counters استفاده کنیم

Performance counters are really important for monitoring and troubleshooting problems with your .NET applications. The full .NET Framework provides a wide array of performance counters that are very useful for troubleshooting application problems. 

چگونه در dotNET Core از Performance Counters استفاده کنیم
سری آموزش Visual Studio Toolbox: Design Patterns

This is the first of an eight part series where I am joined by Phil Japikse to discuss design patterns. A design pattern is a best practice you can use in your code to solve a common problem.  In this episode, Phil demonstrates the Command and Memento patterns. 

Episodes in this series:

  • Command/Memento patterns (this episode)
  • Strategy pattern
  • Template Method pattern (to be published 7/20)
  • Observer/Publish-Subscribe patterns (to be published 7/25)
  • Singleton pattern (to be published 8/8)
  • Factory patterns (to be published 8/10)
  • Adapter/Facade patterns (to be published 8/15)
  • Decorator pattern (to be published 8/17) 
سری آموزش Visual Studio Toolbox: Design Patterns
نقص در NET Core 2.1. پشتیبانی نسخه 2.0 به تاخیر افتاد

Microsoft has announced that the .NET Core 2.0 will be considered "end of life" and thus no longer supported as of October 1, 2018.  .NET Core 2.0 is considered a non-LTS release, and as such Microsoft only commits its support for three months after a successor has been released.  In this case, with .NET Core 2.1 having been released May 31, .NET Core 2.0’s end has come. 

نقص در NET Core 2.1. پشتیبانی نسخه 2.0 به تاخیر افتاد