معرفی Ember

Would you like help creating single-page applications (SPAs)? Maybe you've worked with tools like jQuery and AJAX, but what about Ember? With a simple syntax and an emphasis on reuse and components, this JavaScript framework can make it very easy to create interactive pages. Get a close look at Ember, plus lots of demos and practical tips with popular experts Adam Tuliper and Christopher Harrison, in this three-hour event for the MVA community 

معرفی Ember
dnSpy : ابزاری برای Debug و تغییر در DLL های دات نت

dnSpy is a debugger and .NET assembly editor. You can use it to edit and debug assemblies even if you don't have any source code available.

Some Features 

  • Debug .NET Framework, .NET Core and Unity game assemblies, no source code required
  • Set breakpoints and step into any assembly
  • Locals, watch, autos windows 
  • All metadata can be edited
  • Edit methods and classes in C# or Visual Basic with IntelliSense, no source code required
  • Add new methods, classes or members in C# or Visual Basic
  • IL editor for low level IL method body editing 

dnSpy : ابزاری برای Debug و تغییر در DLL های دات نت
انتشار Unity 2018.1

The Visual Studio team is excited about the Unity 2018.1 release: It’s the start of a new release cycle packed with great new features like the Scriptable Render Pipeline and the C# Job System. You can read the full blog post by Unity for all the details on what’s new in the 2018.1 release. 

انتشار Unity 2018.1
مصاحبه با خالق ++C

مطالبی که در این ویدئو به آن پرداخته میشود :

What is the keynote about?
How do we write modern C++ code?
Guideline support library and Static analysis
Call to action for the C++ community!
Enhancing productivity by eliminating whole classes of bugs
Extending the C++ core guidelines
What do you expect from these static analysis checkers?
How can I get started?
مصاحبه با خالق ++C
نظرات نظرسنجی‌ها
در محیط برنامه نویسی از دارک مود استفاده می کنید یا لایت مود؟
There is a myth about white text over black backgrounds being the best color contrast combination for accessibility, but in reality, white text on black backgrounds creates a visual fuzzing effect for people with astigmatism called “halation”. This effect is known to reduce text readability and is particularly bad for people with astigmatism because it can cause terrible headaches. 

در آینده‌ی JavaScript کمتر از خود JavaScript استفاده خواهد شد

I can tell at least that in 3 years, JavaScript will gain more the status of a VM and lose the status of a language. Already today, not many people use raw JavaScript. You usually have some transpilation, at least e.g. Babel. In the future, Web Assembly will enable more innovation in that regards, and existing transpiling languages like Elm, TypeScript, PureScript will continue to improve. 

در آینده‌ی JavaScript کمتر از خود JavaScript استفاده خواهد شد
افزونه ای برای نمایش مخزن های کد در VS Code

A quicker way to open source code repositories  

In VS Code, we've offered integrated support for Git from the very beginning, and we've been supporting many other source control management (SCM) providers through extensions. This has allowed developers to clone and work with repositories directly within VS Code 

افزونه ای برای نمایش مخزن های کد در VS Code
شروع و پایان پاسخگویی توسعه دهندگان کجاست ؟

Where does a developer's responsibility begin and end when it comes to managing the success of a product? This question has been nagging me for the better part of a year now, and I hope that expressing my thoughts will help cement my thoughts on that particular issue. I've been fortunate enough to work in many environments with varying levels of product responsibility. 

شروع و پایان پاسخگویی توسعه دهندگان کجاست ؟
DSDM چیست؟
Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM) is an organized, common-sense process focused on delivering business solutions quickly and efficiently. It is similar in many ways to SCRUM and XP, but it has its best uses where the time requirement is fixed.  
DSDM چیست؟