نگاهی به تاریخچه‌ی نگارش‌های مختلف CSS

CSS3 (~2009-2012):

Level 3 CSS specs as defined by the CSSWG. (immutable)

CSS4 (~2013-2018):

Essential features that were not part of CSS3 but are already a fundamental part of CSS.

CSS5 (~2019-2024):

Newer features whose adoption is steadily growing.

CSS6 (~2025+):

Early-stage features that are planned for future CSS.

نگاهی به تاریخچه‌ی نگارش‌های مختلف CSS
انتشار Node.js Tools در GitHub
With the start of a new season of Game of Thrones, folks are sitting on the edge of their seats waiting to see what’s coming. Unlike the Khaleesi who seems to be going nowhere fast, Node.js Tools for Visual Studio (NTVS) has made some moves recently. Over the last month, we released Node.js Tools 1.0 for Visual Studio, joined the vibrant open source community on GitHub , and created VM images so anyone can quickly get started with NTVS.
انتشار Node.js Tools در GitHub
طراحی رابط کاربری آسان با فریم ورک کوانتوم یو آی
The most powerful NATIVE AngularJS and Bootstrap CSS based UI components make developer life 
easyCompletely MVVM structure, easy, light, fast, mobile friendly 25+ components and lots of native angular services.Optimized and extended Bootstrap based CSS structure with pure CSS3 plugins. 
طراحی رابط کاربری آسان با فریم ورک کوانتوم یو آی