چگونه قبل از build کل پروژه، تنها بخشی از کد C# را اجرا کنیم!

can’t be the only person who hates waiting for the code to compile and run… Especially when I want to test only a small part of it! That’s a total waste of time! But good news everyone, I found a way to run a part of my C# code without building the whole project! 

Ctrl + E, E – the magical shortcut! 

چگونه قبل از build کل پروژه، تنها بخشی از کد C# را اجرا کنیم!
ASP.NET Core و دانت ۷، ریلیز نهایی

What’s new?

Here’s a sampling of the great new features and improvements in ASP.NET Core for .NET 7:

ASP.NET Core  و دانت ۷، ریلیز نهایی
نظرات مطالب
کار با Docker بر روی ویندوز - قسمت پنجم - ایجاد Imageهای سفارشی
چرا نمیتونیم یک image ویندوزی خیلی ساده وبدون وابستگی بسازیم؟ 
مثل چیزی که برای لینوکس امکانش هست
FROM scratch
COPY hello /
CMD ["/hello"]
همین رو برای ویندوز مجبوریم به شکل زیر بنویسیم
FROM mcr.microsoft.com/windows/nanoserver:1809
COPY hello.txt C:
CMD ["cmd", "/C", "type C:\\hello.txt"]

رهانش Announcing .NET 8 Preview 4

We’re excited to share all the new features and improvements in .NET 8 Preview 4! This release is a follow-up to the Preview 3 release. You’ll continue to see many more features show up with these monthly releases. .NET 6 and 7 users will want to follow this release closely since we have focused on making it a straightforward upgrade path. 

رهانش Announcing .NET 8 Preview 4
PowerShell 7.1 و استفاده از NET 5.

The preview release of PowerShell 7.1 includes .NET 5 preview 1. Starting with PowerShell 7.0, devs have shifted to align with .NET’s release and support life-cycle more closely. PowerShell 7.1 is expected to become available within a week or two of .NET 5’s release date of winter 2020 and align with their annual release cadence going forward. 

PowerShell 7.1 و استفاده از NET 5.
froala/wysiwyg-editor 1.2.6 منتشر شد

Bug fixing

  • Adding space in PRE was moving the cursor at the beginning.
  • Comments from Word were not cleared all the time.
  • Extra new line was added in FF when deleting an empty line. 
froala/wysiwyg-editor 1.2.6 منتشر شد
انتشار TypeScript 4.8

Here’s a quick list of what’s new in TypeScript 4.8!

Improved Intersection Reduction, Union Compatibility, and Narrowing
Improved Inference for infer Types in Template String Types
--build, --watch, and --incremental Performance Improvements
Errors When Comparing Object and Array Literals
Improved Inference from Binding Patterns
File-Watching Fixes (Especially Across git checkouts)
Find-All-References Performance Improvements
Exclude Specific Files from Auto-Imports
Correctness Fixes and Breaking Changes

انتشار TypeScript 4.8
NET Framework 4.6.1 RC. منتشر شد
  • WPF improvements for spell check, support for per-user custom dictionaries and improved touch performance 
  • Enhanced support for Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) X509 certificates
  • Added support in SQL Connectivity for AlwaysOn and Always Encrypted
  • Profiling improvements related to IcorProfilerInfo interface and introduction of Ngen PDBs
  • System.Transactions APIs now support distributed transactions with a non-MSDTC coordinator
  • Many other performance, stability, and reliability related fixes in RyuJIT, GC, WPF and WCF.
NET Framework 4.6.1 RC. منتشر شد