NetVips 1.0 کتابخانه‌ای برای کار با تصاویر مخصوص Mono/.NET
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NetVips is a wrapper for the libvips image processing library. It's a bit like Magick.NET, but typically 8x faster. It's API-stable, supports around 300 image-processing operations, and a good range of image formats is supported.

NuGet package:

There's a benchmark here:

Formatted docs, including a tutorial and full API:

Blog post:

NetVips 1.0 کتابخانه‌ای برای کار با تصاویر مخصوص Mono/.NET
اجرای دات نت در مروگر توسط Ooui
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Earlier this year, Microsoft announced their support for Blazor, and now Frank A. Krueger has developed the Ooui library which allows C# or F# to be used to write applications that run in the browser.  Ooui can target WASM, enabling Xamarin.Forms app to be deployed in web assembly and the result runs entirely in-browser without the need for an application server. 

اجرای دات نت در مروگر توسط Ooui