Material Design برای bootstrap
200, OK icon

This Bootstrap theme is an easy way to use the new Material Design guidelines by Google in your Bootstrap 3 based application. Just include the theme right after the Bootstrap CSS and include the javascript at the end of your document, everything will be converted to Material Design (paper) style

Material Design برای bootstrap
روش های استفاده از ng-class در AngularJs
301, MovedPermanently icon

چند روش استفاده از ng-class در anuglarjs بررسی میکند

String syntax

<div ng-class="textType">Look! I'm Words!</div>
Array syntax
<div ng-class="[styleOne, styleTwo]">Look! I'm Words!</div>
Evaluted Expression
<div ng-class="{ 'text-success': awesome, 'text-large': giant }">
Ternary Operator
ng-class="$even ? 'even-row' : 'odd-row'">

و .......
روش های استفاده از ng-class در AngularJs