Flux چیست ؟
200, OK
http://fluxxor.com:80/what-is-flux.html icon

Flux is an architecture for creating data layers in JavaScript applications. It was designed at Facebook along with the React view library. It places a focus on creating explicit and understandable update paths for your application's data, which makes tracing changes during development simpler and makes bugs easier to track down and fix. 

Flux چیست ؟
10 کتابخانه جاوااسکریپت برای ترسیم دیاگرام ها
301, MovedPermanently
http://modeling-languages.com/javascript-drawing-libraries-diagrams/ icon

In the actual post we present a list of 10 Javascript  libraries that could be used to create a diagramming tool. Some of these libraries have high level support for advanced features (e.g., ready to use shapes, palette, drag/drop,…) 

10 کتابخانه جاوااسکریپت برای ترسیم دیاگرام ها